Amaury Leveaux blames French swimming in his book. – ALAIN JOCARD / AFP


It can not be change Amaury Leveaux. The swimmer withdrew tanks and author of a book on swimming assassin just a few months, of course closely follows the performance of his former colleagues in Kazan, auc world championships. And obviously, he greeted the relay victory in the 100m, who has one day one of them.

But in the aftermath, Amaury Leveaux could not help but drop a little dig. It was primarily intended for the federation, guilty in his eyes that he had taken some swimmers as a forum for fans.

A statement that has very little taste Fabien Gilot, a member of the relay in question. On Twitter, the swimmer replied curtly Amaury Leveaux: “Please respect the France team failing to support it in its entirety: #espritbleu # # tasoubliédoutuviens disappointed.” The Tweet was found Tuesday morning, Fabien Gilot having apparently deleted. Leveaux but still found the time to meet on Monday night for dédéramatiser.