Monday, August 31, 2015

Cavani may well thank Ibra! –

Remaining silent during the first three days of Ligue 1, Edinson Cavani waited the return of Zlatan Ibrahimovic to find the net …

He might repeating over and over again that his preferred position is the point of the attack, Edinson Cavani does not plead his case in this season. Because if last spring, the Uruguayan had taken advantage of the absence of Zlatan Ibrahimovic repeatedly to show to advantage the position of center forward, scoring no fewer than ten goals in their last seven Ligue 1 matches, including five rid of the cumbersome presence of Swedish, the old Neapolitan did not leave on the same basis this summer.

Unable to register a goal in the first three matches in Ligue 1, and qu’Ibra then was again confined to the infirmary, this time because of a knee injury, the Uruguayan finally split on Sunday, a brace against Monaco when the Swedish giant was back. This success brings to his goal scored in the season opener at the Champions Trophy, with again the old Milanese field …

A statistical observation reinforced by the impression given by both men on the field. For if during his first two seasons in the capital, mainly Cavani had to settle for an off-center position, the propensity of its Scandinavian comrade to play a more and more remote allows it to occupy the space at the cutting edge the attack. And to enjoy the view of the game Ibra. This is also a golden service him that the Uruguayan scored his second goal, the first coming from an excellent ball from Blaise Matuidi.

Laurent Blanc not deceived also not the end of the meeting. “Ibra is important in the game. And I’m glad you see that when it recedes, it leaves space before. But this is not new” , commented coach Paris to micro Infosport. And the Uruguayan can be even more confident for the rest of the season he will also now be able to benefit from the openings of Angel Di Maria. A picture of Ezequiel Lavezzi, author of the third goal after a perfect opening depth of his compatriot.

The collective strength is also on how the evening’s heroes insist heard after the meeting: “The team did a great match in the first half, I did not have much success, but in the second it was much better and I was. twice served beautifully. “


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