Monday, August 31, 2015

Martial in Manchester, is the OL who is content –

The transfer of Anthony Martial Manchester United should bring a dozen million euros in Lyon, his first club. Not counting … A significant bonus given for JMA obviously reacted Monday to the case.

The estimated amount of the transfer of Anthony Martial Manchester United has been much talk on Monday. And rightly so. The young striker set to join Monaco Old Trafford for 60 million euros and 20 bonus. Jean-Michel Aulas was questioned about the one that went through the Lyon training center who played 50 minutes in Ligue 1 with the jersey Gones.

This is Anthony rewarding, first think about it and the fact that he went through Monaco, enough to help at a time, you have to be pragmatic “, responded the president of the OL, during the presentation of Sergi Darder and Lucas Tousart. Martial left Gerland, to 17, in June 2013 against 5 million, which has allowed JMA to balance its accounts at the time.

Two years later, OL does not regret Martial transfer in the Premier League. “ We wanted to keep the rights to him. In the short term this will bring a dozen million, and medium term with bonuses, it should be , said Aulas. I know the details of the contract and Anthony there is a good chance that the bonuses are realized . “


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