Monday, August 24, 2015

Cabella: “In my early days, I could not ask for more” – Le Figaro Sport

After the Marseille recital face Troyes on Sunday evening (6-0), Rémy Cabella did not hide his joy. In his first at the Vélodrome as a player of OM, the former Newcastle has also appreciated. Interview.

Interview in Marseille

Rémy, this score must necessarily delight you … Your feeling?
Rémy Cabella. Yes, frankly, it’s a great win! Now we have to enjoy, because those first three points will allow us to really start our championship. After, we do not forget either the two defeats of the early season.

Six goals for your first OM, this looks like a waking dream, right?
Yes it is true that I started, I could not ask for more … Now we have to congratulate the whole team, because we made a big collective work.

What are the feelings?
How long have I had not played … I also picked up there pretty soon the workouts, so I’m happy with my game. But for me, this is just the beginning … I hope to gradually ramp up with my new club.

For your first, what will you stronger tonight?
Everything! The atmosphere, the team, the score … Tonight, everything came together for it to happen perfectly. Finally, this is what happened. So I am very happy with my first night at the Velodrome. Put 6 goals, it’s huge! I loved it. We have to continue like that.

It has felt at ease in this Olympian animation. Yet you came in earlier this week …
Yes, it is true that it is not long since I’m at the club. But it is easier to adapt with the French players. In the group, we all know and there is a great atmosphere. We must persevere.

Lassana Diarra is someone anyway!

What is the motto of Michel?
soon as the new coach arrived ( Tuesday ), it was immediately put to work. In recent days, it was really intense … If not for communication with him, Franck (Passi) helps us in relation to the particular language by the translation.

Against Troyes, the former Real Diarra realized – his first in L1 – a sensational game. Surprised?
Lassana? This is someone anyway! Tonight he has also been exceptional. I hope he will be as good in every game, because he is able to keep the ball and play another. In the group, he brings all his experience. This is important in relation to the youth of the workforce.

This Sunday evening, you have evolved on the left side. Preference
Not really. I just got here, so it’s up to me to adapt myself to the coach of the system. I must do what is necessary to give him satisfaction.


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