Saturday, August 29, 2015

Valbuena: “The talent, it does not disappear like that” – Le Figaro Sport

Relieved by the high level services OL Saturday in Caen (4-0), Mathieu Valbuena relishing the return to the forefront of vice-champion of France.

Mathieu, we imagine you very satisfied after this festival against Caen (4-0) …
Mathieu Valbuena: course when there is a collective found, impeccable state of mind, that we put all the ingredients and ways to win, it’s going great things. The talent, it does not disappear like that. Tonight (Saturday), they found a little virtues OL last year.

With a high-flying forward line …
> That’s what we did, yes. A great Nabil (note: Fekir), a good Claudio (note: Beauvue) while the forward line and overall the whole group was strong. Even if we conceded opportunities in the first period, Anthony (note: Lopes) ensured the grain. Beyond that, it is the automation, percussion and fluidity that we have seen significant progress.

How is your integration at OL?
Very good. We see that everyone works in the same direction. We know complement Nabil or I can play up front or middle alternately, that is what makes us strong, in the image of what we could propose this afternoon in Caen. Everyone began to speed.

Lyon is back after his early season hesitating?
I hope so! It will of course be confirmed, it is only a victory. We all knew that Lyon had been a severe setback here last year in addition to the defeat against Rennes that was not very well. It’s true that everyone had doubled in the heart of redemption. This is very reassuring for the future and it will allow us to work in serenity during the truce.

Fournier: “Our answer is’

Huber Fournier (Lyon coach):” It is always nice to win with this magnitude. This bodes well for the future and it allows us to move the truce with a little more serenity. After our defeat at home, we needed to catch up. It remains on two away wins, for these days, it’s enough for our happiness. It allows us to regain confidence in the work. Today, we had five new players on the field, it is never easy to find the binder in these conditions and we see that this is starting to bear fruit. We need to further improve complicity, displacement. This is the first triple in L1 Nabil Fekir is good for the team of France is good for us too. Last May, it was well done chambering after our defeat here, our answer is here tonight. “

Interview by our correspondent in Caen

The enduring images of the 5th day of Ligue 1:


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