Saturday, August 22, 2015

Worldwide: Vicaut already in 9 “92 in Beijing –!

Jimmy Vicaut was third chrono series of 100m Beijing Worldwide, this Saturday, in 9 “92 – or four hundredths faster than Usain Bolt Only Justin Gatlin (. 9 “83) and Trayvon Bromell (9″ 91) did better. Christophe Lemaitre, although he also qualified for the semis, is clearly below (10 “24).

This is what is called getting into the thick of it! Despite requiring a bandage on his right knee, Jimmy Vicaut answered this Saturday in the heats of the 100m Beijing World Championships. The holder of the record distance of Europe (9 “86), world’s fifth performer of the year, has released the second time in his career on the Bird’s Nest track, swallowing his line in 9″ 92 – third time of the day – with much margin

My goal was to win the race I accelerated gradually and am relaxed, I am very glad I imposed today ‘. hui, but the most important is to get to the final “he blew hot applied on the antenna Eurosport. And to clarify: “ I just have a little discomfort in the knee, as usual, but I am 100% ready to give up .” From certainly bodes well for half . -finales Sunday shortly after 13h

Jimmy Vicaut must then contend with competition from Tyson Gay – impressive ease in 9 “83 – and Asafa Powell – back to his best in 9″ 95. Christophe Lemaitre, he will have to battle with Usain Bolt – author of a 9 “reasonable 96 as an input in the field – without forgetting the explosive Trayvon Bromell, which sent a strong message by winning his heat in 9″ 91. With a time of 10 “24 – the last among qualified – Aix sprinter will probably drop below its reference clock in 2015 (10″ 07) to rally the final



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