Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Athletics. Sebastian Coe elected president of the International Federation – Ouest-France

Sebastian Coe was elected by 115 votes to 92 against Ukrainian Sergey Bubka, former czar of the pole, which was Wednesday in Beijing his great rival.

Sebastian Coe, double Olympic 1500m champion (1980/1984), succeeds the Senegalese Lamine Diack, 82, who spent the witness after 15 years and nine months at the institution’s head.

Expertise in sponsoring

Coe, 58, had already amply contributed to London, he was the president of the organizing committee, gets the 2012 Olympics at the expense of Paris. The British, already vice-president of the IAAF, insisted in his profession of faith, just before the electronic vote on his expertise in sponsorship, heritage of experience of the London Games. “Dear friends, there are no jobs in my life that I was as well prepared. If you place my trust in me, I will not disappoint you “, concluded Lord Coe.

As compensation, Bubka, 51, was re-elected vice president, arriving ahead with 187 votes. Bernard Amsalem, president of the French Athletics Federation (FFA), which presented itself to one of the four vice-president, was readjusted (108 votes).


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