Saturday, August 29, 2015

FIFA: the false start campaigning Michel Platini – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Michel Platini during a press conference in Monaco, Friday, August 28th.

The message sent to the World , Monday, August 25, by the UEFA (UEFA) had the merit from clear. “ Michel Platini will present a part of its program and the person who will handle its media relations for the campaign. “ The day after the draw for the final phase of the Champions League, the French leader UEFA was therefore officially launch, Friday, August 28, in Monaco, during a press conference, his campaign for elections to the presidency of the International Football Federation (FIFA).

One month after announcing his candidacy in a letter sent to the owners of the 209 national federations, who is running for the succession of his former mentor, Switzerland Joseph “Sepp” Blatter – 79 and in office since 1998 – has suddenly turned around, deciding at the last moment, he did not finally evoke these elections. “ The campaign will not be the subject of the press conference ” confirmed to World a spokesman of UEFA. Under heavy fire of the incumbent president of FIFA and its challengers, first among which is South Korea’s Chung Mong-joon, the former number 10 of the Blues opted for a defensive strategy, preferring to remain silent. “ This is a question of adjustment , observed close to” Platoche “. No doubt he wants to talk later, leaving less time to his opponents (formal or informal) to furbish their weapons . “

” Neither the place nor the time to talk to FIFA “

encased in his suit, the head of European football, 60, s’ is delivered on Friday in a balancing act facing a horde of reporters eager to question him about his future campaign. “ This is the channel in the middle ,” joked the triple Ballon d’Or (1983, 1984, 1985), examining the physical separation between the representatives of English media who settled all on the same side of the room Guelph Grimaldi Forum, and others. “This is my ninth traditional press conference season launch UEFA said the native of Jœuf (Meurthe-et-Moselle). I hope that you rested, you have a sharp mind. I am here to speak exclusively of UEFA. This is neither the place nor the time to talk about FIFA. Elections will be held Feb. 26, 2016, in six months. We will have time to talk. I come with my costume and my hat as president of UEFA. “” I hope Pedro will be a good policeman if I can not answer questions “, he smiled, turning to his spokesman, Pedro Pinto.

The former captain of El Tri then allowed its general secretary, Gianni Infantino, make a point about the changing rules of financial fair play, the incredible reduction in cumulative debt of European clubs (1.7 billion in 2011 to 487,000,000 in 2014), and the Euro 2016, held in France next year.

“That’s not a good question, but tried”

After a final presentation on the concept of “respect” , cardinal value UEFA under his presidency Platini then played verbal ping-pong with journalists. “You seem to have a fantastic job. Why do you leave? “ was then questioned an English reporter. “ My destiny is to leave UEFA in six months if elected to FIFA, or three and a half at the end of my mandate” , responded leader, arrived at the head UEFA in 2007 and re-elected for a third term in March.

That’s not a good question, but tried “, he launched a journalist evoked the “ smear campaign ” that Sepp Blatter had initiated against him. “ Why is UEFA spared the scandals that have shaken FIFA? “attempted with more success reporter. “ It is the merit of President , chuckled Platini, who intends to polish his posture white knight in the coming months. At UEFA, we respect all control mechanisms, tenders. These are the people who make the rules, not the other way . “A thinly veiled attack addressed to Blatter and bosses confederations fallen into the nets of American justice in May as Jeffrey Webb, former vice-president of FIFA and former leader of the Confederation of North America, Central and Caribbean (Concacaf).

The sexagenarian said he would not seek a new term as head of UEFA, in March 2019, it was defeated in elections to FIFA.

When he present his program? “One Day” is the person giggled while the submission of applications is expected on October 26. Four months before the election. The sixties, however, said he would not seek a new term as head of UEFA, in March 2019, it was defeated in elections to FIFA. “It means maybe say I’m for term limits” , he slipped, referring to possible reforms that will, from early September to be studied by the new committee reform of FIFA, which sit Gianni Infantino.

A Spanish journalist asked him if Angel Maria Villar, a powerful patron of the Iberian Federation and Vice President of FIFA, could be his “ successor “at the head of UEFA. “ I do not know what my future so I can not speculate on the future of Mr. Villar ,” Platini said.

At the end of the press conference , the head of European football has taken a solemn tone: “I know why you came. I am deeply disappointed at not being able to answer your questions. Excuse me. I know it is difficult to come to Monaco. It’s a big effort with the lack of sun, bad weather. “ Outside, the mercury then reached thirty degrees and tourists strolling on the banks, perfecting their tan.


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