Sunday, August 23, 2015

Rugby: The XV of France regains confidence against England – The World

Could this be the famous match reference as Philippe Saint-André calls for four years now? Both received prohibit trials of thinking (against only French side), but the victory (25-20) of the XV of France over England, Saturday, Aug. 22, at the Stade de France, will at least have the merit of give the Blues the confidence that made them far default.

For four weeks of the launch of the World Cup at the same English, it is already better than nothing. French coach Philippe Saint-Andre will not complain, anyway: it is with this prestigious victory as “PSA”, hitherto so challenged, communicate the list of 31 players selected for the World Sunday 23 August in the confined setting of the National Rugby Centre in Marcoussis (Essonne).


This Saturday, still -he that the French were on the ground this time delivered a far more compelling game than last week in London, when they had fallen (19-14) face an England team “bis” in the London temple Twickenham. Unlike last week, the Blues, also reworked meanwhile, were able to provide an additional ranging offensive

As proof, the only French try of the match. Overflow framing Yoann Huget, although served on the left, who took the back line speed to go flatten the ball and endorse the French domination (20-6, 48 th ). But the hardest was done before. In the first half, more enterprising than the English, the Blues have confirmed their dominance with a lot of penalties: first by Scott Spedding to 40 m (3-0, 3 th ) and more near the target, through Frederic Michalak (11 th 17 th 26 th 33 th ).


These kicks have allowed the opener to become Toulon the best marker of historire XV of France. It now exceeds the record of 380 points on by his elder “Titou” Lamaison. History will record that the player with the greatest longevity in the France team, present at the Blues since 2001, will also be transformed in the second period of the trial Huget (22-12, 48 th ) . Aligned hinge alongside Sébastien Tillous-Borde, his club-mate Frederic Michalak, then mark a fifth penalty (25-6, 66 th ) that will erase its missed moments earlier (52 th ).

And England, in all this? Future hosts of the World Cup at the very least will have waited half an hour to begin to report. Both the “reservists” of the past week had assured the show to London (right winger Anthony Watson), both aligned to the English Saint-Denis – supposedly the team type XV of the Rose – have seemed longer to start when switched offensive movements.


England of George Ford, author of two penalties in the first period (27 th and 39 th ), has proposed a different face after the break. Selecting Stuart Lancaster will register even two late essays (and processed), maintaining to the end the hope to reply. First, a first banderille Danny Cipriani (25-13, 72 th ), which came during a match. Then a raid left side of center Jonathan Joseph who has beaten the race the newcomer Gaël Fickou already overtaken last week on an Anthony Watson test.

In a press conference, “PSA “welcomed this match won ” with a lot of intensity, a lot of fighting, it’s good for the confidence of this group, has won this showdown, although it was pitching on last ten minutes. “” We are real competitors, but quality players who had not been prepared for three and a half years. There, six to seven weeks of preparation, we have seen progress, but we will not ignite “ appreciated St. Andrew, which comes from various training book “commando” to the group of 36 players shortlisted for July 6.

Buoyed by the 101 th Franco-British duel (the 39 th only to the advantage of the Blues since 1906), the XV of France Saint-André version therefore offers a serene addition to The approach of the English World. The Blues will play a third and final Test match for the event, Saturday, Sept. 5, again at Stade de France, facing the Scots of the former Clermont coach Vern Cotter. The ultimate warm-up lap for the World Cup, which France will open on September 19, at Twickenham against Italy.


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