Sunday, August 23, 2015

100 m: Legend Bolt, the Scarecrow and the Gatlin troublemaker Vicaut –

         The seven men took this season to below 9 “90 out of 100 meters. Unless huge surprise, the world champion in 2015 is among them. The podium in its entirety as well, perhaps. Of these, three Jamaicans Three representatives of the United States, and French, Jimmy Vicaut, who dreams to join in this US-Jamaican brawl.

Justin Gatlin

Record 2015: 9 “74
Personal Best: 9 “74

         The logical favorite in view of the season. The faster this year and also the most consistent because it holds the four fastest times 2015 all below 9 “80. The 9″ 83 in series, even with favorable wind slightly beyond 2m / s, have Scarecrow confirmed its status. A coronation of the former would be banished some teeth gnashing but apart from a huge Bolt, it is unclear that could deprive him of gold, 10 years after his first world title in Helsinki. It seems even able to go below his best mark. But the pressure is on him.

The American Justin Gatlin finished with the fastest time in the 100m at the World Series Beijing. – AFP

Usain Bolt

Record 2015: 9 “87
Personal Best: 9 “58 (world record)

         The god of the sprint, undisputed and indisputable number one since the Beijing Games in 2008. In major championship anyway because, for two years, Gatlin went before him. Intrinsically, the best, this is it. But he will be able to clear in a race two years of wanderings? Has he the ability to flirt again with 9 “70, who has not raced in less than 9 ’75 for the London Games three years ago? A ninth world title yet may be seen at this price the current level of Gatlin. It has many hidden his game. Perhaps too. Now, the mask must fall. What does it reveal?

2015 Worldwide – Usain Bolt 100m – Imago

Jimmy Vicaut

Record 2015: 9 “86
Personal Best: 9 “86

         If we accept that Gatlin and Bolt will be above the lot (which remains to be confirmed …), others will fight to the last jump seat. A medal, no matter the color, have a historical significance for the tricolor athletics, ever since a French is mounted on a World or Olympic podium in the 100m. Vicaut, new European record, has the means. Impressive series (9 “92), it will not be off the mark if he can reach the level of its staff in the final record. But first it will surpass the semis. If successful and if his body holds everything will be provided, too, not to tense up.

Asafa Powell

Record 2015: 9 “81
Personal Best: 9 “72

         Guilty of doping in 2013, Asafa Powell is back this year on a major championship and he still dreams of a consecration which has always refused to him. Human rallies more than major events, Jamaican has only two bronze medals in the 100m at the World Championships, the Olympic Games and no. Almost an anomaly for a former world record holder. Easy series (9 “96 pop), it remains a customer. And this time, the bronze would be for him a form of victory. But it’s hard to imagine many earlier Sunday.

Tyson Gay

Record 2015: 9 “87
Personal Best: 9 “69

         If everyone focuses on Gatlin, one tends to forget that the US sprint is represented by another former banned, also former world record holder Tyson Gay. Without making too much noise, he still signed the sixth best performance of the season on the line in 9 “87. This puts it clearly in the pack of contenders for the podium. Like Powell, he probably would be filled by a medal regardless of the metal to its first World Championships since 2009.

Trayvon Bromell

Record 2015: 9 “84
Personal Best: 9 “84

         Attention to him. Less known and / or less sulfur than Bolt, Gatlin, Powell and Gay, Trayvon Bromell is the new pearl of world sprinting. Barely a month after his 20th birthday, he’s ready to strike the first blow. Revealed in 2013 by his 9 “99 when he was not yet 18, he won his ticket to Beijing by beating his personal best 9″ 84 in the US Championships in June. Second time series behind Gatlin (9 “91) Bromell could well drag on the podium on Sunday, if he can handle the weight of his first final.

Mike Rodgers

Record 2015: 9 “88
Personal Best: 9 “85

         The third robber passed by the US positive control box + suspension in 2011-2012. Hardly anyone is talking about him. At the time clock level, it is this year just behind Bromell, or Vicaut Gay and, like them, is among the candidates for the podium. It has the means to enter in the final but to go to the podium, Rodgers will need a minimum tickle his personal best. 6th in Moscow in 2011, he would like to change gear. But the competition is tough.


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