Saturday, August 29, 2015

Judo – World Championships – Teddy Riner: “Ooh … I do not know yet if I am Legend” –

         And in the end, it’s Teddy Riner wins. As usual. Except that the main person never tires. And that each world has a special flavor triumph. Riner won the one side of Astana tasted record. An eighth title. Like who ? No one. Neither men. Neither women. Obviously, it would be enough to happiness came first champion. But not in Riner, who has not wandered much as hoped.

         As such, it is “great satisfaction, inevitably” , he told barely descended from the podium. “I’m happy because this is not a final, held as usual, where it is played on penalties. I managed to impose myself a little on all day.” Only Ryu Shichinohe, her final opponent, avoided dropping a ippon. Sung-Min Kim, Andre Breitbarth, Lurill Krakovteskii or Juhan Mettis, he had crossed before, did not have the strength to resist much.


         Nevertheless, Riner, 26 fights and 95 wins in a row, recognizes that often took more pleasure in this Saturday, August 29, 2015. “I’m not going to hide it, it’s not my best day in terms of sensations, lucidity in the head. I’m to trust me, I’ve seen better days. But then the coin is there, the eighth is on my side. That’s what that it must retain “. And it’s not bad.

“A bit of a race against time”

         The operation in February and elbow bone to tear right big toe in March did not facilitate the task and the preparation of the Olympic champion. “It was a bit of a race against time. Fortunately I had Franck (Chambily, his coach) on my side trying to strengthen me in my position and help me in everyday life. (…) I Touch wood, but I hope that next year there will be many fewer injuries and that I will prepare serenely Games and I have the time to refine my judo. “

Teddy Riner in Astana – AFP

         Next year, Teddy Riner will go to the Olympic Games. And a second crown, as David Douillet. Astana has enabled him, that is if it is really necessary, “mark (its) territory” and get a little deeper into the legend of his sport. Moreover, the main person is he considered a legend? “Ooh … I do not know yet if I am a legend. What I know in any case is that I have a record of eight titles of world champion. It’s cool for me I’m really happy but I do not want to stop that and I will not stop at this, “. Go to Rio.


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