Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Fifa: Have sponsors played referees in the resignation of … – The Express

Before finally leave office under the cheers of the insured members of FIFA at the next congress to be held between December and March, the outgoing Sepp Blatter intends to continue working to reform world football. One can believe that it will do what it has not done in 17 years in office. Or not. “Since I will not be a candidate, I will be able to focus on the implementation of ambitious and deep reforms” has he said on Tuesday in a Swiss amphitheater depopulated and amazed the announcement of its withdrawal. Cornered by the media, under pressure from American justice, Sepp Blatter has decided to retire.

If the political dimension is obvious that marketing is just as important. After the coup of net FBI, several historical sponsors have asked the presidency of FIFA to take “swift action to address these issues.” On the front line? Visa, Adidas, Coca-Cola … Global giants who pay every year hundreds of millions of dollars to be displayed alongside the body of football where the budget marketing and TV rights weighs heavily in finance: two-thirds of revenue, or 4.1 billion euros between 2011 and 2014!

“A case in gestation for months”

So when they express their fear and dissatisfaction, the leaders of FIFA lend them listening ear. Especially if the sponsors are the feet and hands to enter the home of world football, they do not hesitate to turn tail. Last November, suspected of corruption in connection with the award of the 2020 World Cup in Qatar, FIFA has seen from two large portfolios, Sony and Emirates. A loss partially offset by the arrival of Russian Gazprom -already sponsor of the lucrative League champions- whose close ties to the Kremlin in 2018 oblige- -Davis the world are at the origin of this rapprochement.

Sepp Blatter with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Gazprom signed contract Fifa-September 2013

Sepp Blatter with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the signing of the Gazprom-FIFA contract in September 2013

REUTERS / Mikhail Klimentyev

” After the last World Cup in Brazil, five sponsors have left FIFA, yet emphasizes Express Virgil Caillet, marketing expert sportsman. An index which shows that the case is in the making for months. “Indeed, if there is no breach of contract, but contracts not renewed, it gives a trend.” When we know the attractiveness a World Cup, it is surprising to see brands do not renew, “Judge Virgil Caillet who observes in the background if the race lead FIFA and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the leadership of world sport .

The fact is that among the sponsors under contract with Fifa, spokesmen have almost all applauded the decision -tiens tiens- Blatter … while leaving the institution. “We welcome the commitment of FIFA to change, “said a spokesman of the German sporting goods company Adidas, which states that” the announcement is a step in the right direction. “Same story at Coca-Cola, which pay each year thirty million to FIFA. This is “a positive step for the good of the sport of football and its fans” believes soda manufacturing the same which now awaits Fifa “continues to act swiftly to take concrete steps to manage through all the problems that have been revealed. ” For as recalled a spokesman of the issuer of Visa cards, “this is an important step towards rebuilding public confidence.”

A sign that football really is not turning round, it is now the major powers of capitalism today would guarantee an ethical form of world football …

Video: Blatter to resign from the presidency of FIFA


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