Friday, June 12, 2015

Ibrahimovic: ” I am a PSG player! ” –

At a press conference, Zlatan Ibrahimovic has ended the rumor that sent him to AC Milan. The PSG striker took the opportunity to tackle the Swedish journalists.

Currently on deck with the Swedish selection, Zlatan Ibrahimovic swept a backhand rumors of a return to AC Milan. “ I belong to PSG. I have one year contract. Milan? There is no truth in this story. I am a PSG player. I really do not think we left, we won everything with PSG this season, “ dropped by Swedish international press conference brought to face Montenegro on Sunday with his selection.

” I have no idea where these stories come out. I guess people need to have something to write, and I think you, the Swedish media, copy what you read abroad. You are very good at relaying rumors .? But the rest of the world did you call Galliani to check “, said PSG striker, before confirming he was in contact with the person:” I spoke with him several times since I left Milan. But that does not mean anything . “

And the Swedish striker 33-year contract with the capital club until June 2016 , continued: “ I prefer to play for a club I love and fun. I play the Champions League every year and I like that . “ Those words be enough to stop the rumors from the Paris star summer? Nothing is less sure.


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