Monday, June 15, 2015

The Nobel peace center will end its partnership with FIFA –

         Since 2012, the Nobel center and the governing body of world football were partners in the initiative “ handshake for peace ” that controls the captains of two rival teams greet and referees before and after a meeting.

         “ The Board of Directors asked management (Nobel center, ed) to end cooperation with FIFA as soon as circumstances permit ,” said the Nobel center, an offshoot of the committee Nobel that assigns the Nobel Peace Prize.

         The Nobel center does not explicitly refer to suspected corruption to FIFA in the award of several World Cups.

         Its board of directors also asked the management of the center of “ a dialogue ” with the Norwegian Football Federation to carry on the “ handshake for peace “after this break.

         Friday, Interpol, the international police cooperation organization had for its part announced that bracketed a program to strengthen integrity in sport that had been a funding of 20 million euros of Fifa.

         Several sponsors of FIFA – Coca-Cola, Adidas, Visa, McDonald’s, Hyundai – have also welcomed the announced resignation of the president of FIFA, Joseph Blatter.


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