Sunday, June 14, 2015

Finale / Match N.5: Golden State to a title win –

         The Warriors are three wins to two, and may face the Cavaliers win the fourth title in their history, the first since 1975, if necessary Tuesday in Cleveland in the game N.6.

         The meeting marked a new offensive festival of LeBron James, author of 40 points and his second “triple-double” of the final 2015 (14 rebounds, 11 assists), was settled in the 4th period.

         Until then, Cleveland and Golden State had stayed back to back and were alternately head, unable to take more than four points.

         In the last period, Stephen Curry and LeBron James are first explained in a competition aimed at three high-volley points and Golden State point guard has sickened the Cavaliers by finding the insolent success that allowed him to the trophy of best player of the season (MVP).

         Relatively disappointing since the start of the final, he finished the game with 37 points and successful 13 of 23 shooting.


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