Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Vidal cry without reason –

arrested Tuesday night after a drunken driving accident in his Ferrari, Arturo Vidal has been released and will not be punished by sporting coach of Chile in full Copa America at home.

It’s good to be the star of his national soccer team. Moreover in full Copa America organized at home. Arturo Vidal has indeed escape. Unharmed out of a drunk driving accident in his Ferrari on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, the Chilean midfielder is also passed through the mesh of justice and those of the leaders of the Roja.

After a night at the station, the top scorer in the Copa (3 goals) was released by the judge before whom it was presented, the latter having just suspended for at least 120 days driver’s license Juve player who will go émarger once a month at the Consulate of Chile in Milan, pending the final conclusions of the investigation.

I will give the maximum for us to be champions.

Arturo Vidal

Even clemency from a sporting point of view. “I do not believe that this case has all the importance we wanted to give it” , said Jorge Sampaoli, the Argentine coach of Chile, reports La Tercera. “He always had exemplary behavior, including exposing his knee and his future at the previous World Cup. There are many things to put in the balance” , he added, not decided . to do without its best player

Sheepish, Vidal has cracked a short statement read, in tears, told reporters: “I drank two glasses and after I had an accident, as everyone knows. I have endangered the life of my wife (slightly wounded, ed), and many people. I’m really sorry. And I am ashamed. I want to thank everyone who supported me. And I apologize to my countrymen, my teammates, my leaders … a whole country. I will give the maximum for us to be champions. Forgive those involved in the accident. “ An apology that will qu’acceptées on condition of seeing Chile, opposite Friday night to Bolivia, Copa triumph in this …


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