Monday, December 15, 2014

Lucas: “respect Chelsea” – BBC Sport

15/12 6:32 p.m. – Foot LoC

While the PSG knows his opponent for the knockout stages of the Champions League, Chelsea, the middle of the Parisian court, Lucas assured Paris SG TV he expects a great confrontation. “ It will be a great match against a great team, as are all the Champions League matches. We will work hard to win these matches. I believe in my team. You have to respect Chelsea. We are very strong, we can win and we will work for that. Compared to last season, Chelsea has changed more than us. They are very strong with Drogba and Fabregas. It will be a very interesting match but we can win. Anyway, I am very motivated, and I will give everything to win . “His compatriot Marquinhos
hopes to take his revenge for last season, when the capital club had been in quarters final by the same Chelsea team. “ It will give everything to get the qualification. Eliminating suffered last season was painful. We will build on this to avoid repeating the same mis takes , “assured the Parisian defender

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