Sunday, December 28, 2014

There is one year, Michael Schumacher suffered a terrible accident – The Point

Around 11 am on the morning of December Michael Schumacher, also to the comfortable ski that installed in a cockpit, s ready to hit the slopes of Meribel with his son Mick and three friends. The small group s allows out in unmarked areas. Between tracks Georges Mauduit and La Biche, while the world champion F1 sketch a turn, it smashes against a rock that emerges above the snow. The shock is violent: it is powered by the air and falls on a sunken rock, bumping the right side of the head. At impact, his helmet broke into three pieces. The ski patrol involved a few minutes later then explain that Michael Schumacher is “rang but conscious.”

A surgical operation from the daytime

Then all s accelerating. Michael Schumacher helicopter to the hospital of Albertville-Moutier and exhausted at the University Hospital of Grenoble. The news began to spread in the newsroom. At the end of year when news is released, the world motorsport is rung. How a champion who resisted and won for so years on the track started more than 300 km / h could be the victim of an accident that can affect all fellows? The question still haunts the fans of Formula 1.

From the afternoon, hours after his fall, he suffered first and long operation. So that a journalist crowd gathers in front of requiring hospital, the information is already distilled Account -goutte. We learn in the evening that he suffers a head injury. And that his prognosis was hired. Michael Schumacher has just started the most important race of his life: the fight against life. The day after his accident, doctors explain that the situation is “critical”. Then, the medical team finds 31 December “slight improvement”. The press, particularly German, is regularly the echo rumors of the death of the “Red Baron”.

An investigation “no further action”

Yet the days go by. Doctors are able to identify areas of the brain that are damaged (January 13) before his press secretary, Sabine Kehm n suggests a gradual release of his coma (the January 30). In parallel, investigation into the circumstances of the accident, which caused much of ink is ” no further action. ” “No offense n was increased to against anyone, the s accident is produced off-piste area “said in a statement the prosecutor d Albertville, Patrick Quincy. Just as the German driver does one learn evolved “at a pace quite normal for this type of ground.”

Five months later, finally, new information is received. Sabine Kehm annou nced that F1 champion n is in a coma. He began a “recovery phase” and transferred to the University Hospital of Vaud in Lausanne. During summer family Schumacher, who travels 170 km a day to stay between eight and ten hours at his bedside, preparing to return the vast property Gland. Corinna, his wife, launches works a medicalized on. A significant investment: some British tabloids then evoke nearly 12 million euros spent this development

. Streiff: “we can not say nothing, nothing anticipate”

In September last, the six-time world champion is transferred to his home. There, Michael Schumacher has his medicalized result of the presence of physiotherapists, doctors, nutritionists, nurses but also neurological experts. His spokesman warns however that “this should not imply significant changes in their medical condition.” Again, the filter information bit.

Of course, this Sunday Philippe Streiff, former F1 driver victim of F1 accident in 1989, broke the silence in the columns of Paris . He explained that the German “begins to recognize his own.” Then he adds that he “still has not regained the use of the word” and still has “major memory problems.” Information that says Professor Seillant keep close to the Schumacher family since his accident at Silverstone in 1999. In the evening, Professor denied his remarks to AFP. Streiff nevertheless taking precautions to ensure in the interview that “we can not say anything, plan anything.” The most grueling race of life of Michael Schumacher thus continues one year to the day after his accident.


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