Thursday, December 18, 2014

Balotelli, a slip and a suspension –

Mario Balotelli knew he was threatened, he has been punished … Guilty of airing early December on Instagram message meant to be humorous but containing remarks considered racist and antisemitic, Liverpool striker was sentenced to more sanctions on the other side of the Channel.

The FA (Football Association) is not used to joke, and it’s certain areas such as racism where she especially likes to show uncompromising and deliver exemplary sanctions. In a more or less recent past, John Terry and Luis Suarez had experienced. This time it is a new Liverpool FC striker who is the victim in the person of Mario Balotelli.

In early December the Transalpin had posted on his Instagram account a small cartoon drawing of the famous Nintendo plumber Super Mario, regularly nickname given to the author of the message also. Above, that read: “ Do not be racist Be an Italian plumber created by the Japanese, who speaks English and looks like a Mexican jumping … like a Black and grabs pieces like a Jew “. Realizing the scope of his message, the former Intériste had quickly apologized.

This is probably what the FA retained in rendering its verdict, since the message was primarily supposed to call the fight against racism and segregation. In fact, the Red was sanctioned with a firm match suspension, a fine of 30,000 euros and will also follow some civic education lessons. He who has scored just 2 goals in 15 games played with the CFL is going to have to wait, he who had particularly missed six games to a groin injury before making his return to the recent sinking against Manchester United (3-0 ). The club and player have each accepted the punishment and will not use.


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