Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sardou: “The more muscular, more sturdy, Blacks we put” –

When asked by Marc-Olivier Fogiel RTL, Michel Sardou was invited into the debate surrounding the controversy arose the famous words of Willy Sagnol on African footballers. The interpreter of the “Time of the colonies” supports Bordeaux coach in a rather vehement.

Back to the front of the news by the grace of the film “The Aries family,” promised a big hit on screens this Wednesday and puts in his greatest hits honor, Michel Sardou was Tuesday’s guest on RTL Marc-Olivier Fogiel. And successful singer of the 70s and 80s has authorized an out on a rather unexpected sports field by supporting the Bordeaux coach Willy Sagnol whose remarks about African players had recently created a strong controversy.

Bolt, it is not Alsatian?

Michel Sardou (French singer)

Sardou unable to name the former defender of the France team, but, as usual, does not gloves to develop his point: “ This way of speak now … we can no longer say this, we can not say that There’s a guy … What is this poor guy, I do not remember who said . ” black guys run faster than white “? What is true .” And adds: “ But damn, it’s true There’s nothing racist in there They are more muscular, they are more sturdy, they put us Bolt, it is not Alsatian… ! I’m not a racist when I say that . “

The artist appears slayer of too politically correct society to his taste, which at him throughout his career has continued with his texts and some positions, to be controversial. As when he wrote The colonies Times , a text in the middle of the 1970s earned him to be accused of condoning a primary and racist colonialism that refuse to broadcast radio and earned him this comment in the daily newspaper Libération : “ Fascism will not pass Sardou and will be able to continue his sinister shit out on the air .”

Forty years later and Sardou keeps rabies lips: “ Oh, ‘That sucks them stop them stop a little, enough !…”


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