Friday, December 26, 2014

James Wade pays! –

Back losing to LeBron James. For his first game in Miami since his departure for the Cavs, the former MVP has indeed been able to avoid the defeat of his own, winning the Heat 101-91 in the big Christmas displays. Blame including Dwyane Wade, author of 31 points for the occasion.

LeBron James had probably imagined a better conclusion to his Christmas in Florida. For the rest, the star of the Cavs could hardly have hoped for better. Because after spending Christmas Eve with Dwyane Wade to talk of passing time, James is preparing to celebrate its 30th anniversary, and to remember the past four years together in the uniform of the Heat, including two successful campaigns in 2012 and 2013, former Floridian in particular have appreciated the welcome by the public at the American Airlines Arena.

While it could legitimately fear few whistles after his departure last summer, for Ohio, LeBron James has indeed given a nice ovation from the fans of Miami. Add a provision altogether successful with 30 points to 9 of 16 shooting, 8 assists and 4 rebounds, and all contributed to a “Christmas Day” successful. But it was not counting without Dwyane Wade, his former comrade. Yet the former Marquette assured, “There was no particular motivation to play against LeBron.” “His departure went well and we played against each other for seven years, thus recalled Wade after the game This is not something new for us. “

The back Floridian has not seemed particularly less motivated. Attest and his 28 shots attempted, Wade must nevertheless be satisfied with 43% (12/28) field goal for the final 31 points. Blame it on a first period missed in a big as evidenced by his 2 of 12 displayed at the break. Yet, it is Miami who was leading the race and pointed with 13 lengths ahead (62-49). And the Cavs had good pick to 80-80 with less than ten minutes to play, the Heat were still under the pedal, sufficient to conclude on a necessarily insurmountable 21-11.

For Dwyane Wade n was not the only one to shine in Florida ranks. Chris Bosh was certainly always on the side, but Luol Deng took the opportunity to sign his best game with the Heat, compiling 25 points on 11 of 16 shooting, eight rebounds and eight assists. Less forceful, Chris Andersen and Danny Granger have nevertheless demonstrated a good efficacy with 12 points, 8 rebounds for one and 9 points 7 rebounds for the other. What to frustrate the 25 points of Kyrie Irving and spoil Christmas LeBron James …


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