Friday, December 19, 2014

Anigo: “Marseille always tears me so much” –

In an interview with L’Equipe on Friday, José Anigo converted back this season in a recruiter role in Africa for OM, talks about his recent career, his relationship with his city, business … and says loudly that he will not return to work at OM.

Located in Marrakech since leaving Marseille at the end of last season, Jose Anigo, who has not yet unearthed gem on the African continent for OM but considering opening y “a kind of OM academy that would cost very little money” comes first in this long interview with Team on this new lifestyle choice, both dictated by a certain weariness, but also the need to take the field after the tragic events that hit last year (the murder of his son). “The choice to leave, it’s a little me who did it. I would even have to leave Marseille before. After the championship (2010) , life m led him to make this choice now, but I regret not having done it sooner. “ Still, even if he returns from time to time by Marseille, ” 48 or 72 hours ” , the former OM coach always feel much affection for a city that he grew up: “I like it but it still tears me as” .

After, France, you never know … Is that adrenaline miss? Do I want to regain the bench land? Yes

SHOULD CRANIAL this mean that he would love to go back? On the one hand, he wants categorical letting go: “I know many people think that I could return to the OM, but I am certain. I will return never work in Marseille I . never want to train to Marseille, nor sporting director “ On the other, it leaves the door open for a return to business, but not necessarily in Marseille: ” After France, one never know … Do I miss the adrenaline? Do I want to regain the bench land? I would be dishonest if I said otherwise. It may be done one day or not, “.

Coincidence or not, since his departure from Marseille, the team, almost the same as he led six months last season in full swing, poised to win a title of autumn champion this weekend. All of which leads to the person concerned.? “This is the team that was built last season and it works Why How I do not know Maybe because there is. . a super coach Perhaps because, around the club, calm and serenity returned lé “ He added, about the experience Bielsa: “. This is a foreign coach need to Marseille, even in the future. The players are more willing than a foreign one French. I now know that the more you come home in their plus they give you. You have to be hard on the players. the emotional side, this way of coaching, I never use the most. “

Finally, the former coach and athletic director Om returns on cases which have polluted the club in recent times, especially around the transfer Gignac, in which, according to him, he did not intervene, dropping in passing a little dig at Didier Deschamps, with whom he has been in almost constant conflict: “I never touched this file, I’ve never had the power to negotiate anything on the money. I had worked on the coming of Gameiro, we were not far from agreement before Deschamps put his veto, he wanted an attacker a bit beefier. It had me a little broken foot for working for nothing “ Considering himself a victim of ugly face of crime – .” I have a life of honest, we do not want not see me as a normal person and square, under the pretext that I grew up in the cities, I know so and so, people who have a different life from mine “ – he concludes, about the recent hearing of Vincent Labrune: “There is no mor e honest (…) Is it complicated life? Yes. Because in the middle of the football, it’s not that there are many dishonest, there is especially a lot of people who tell bullshit. “ Period.


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