Monday, December 29, 2014

Schumacher ‘begins to recognize his own “one year after its … – Le Parisien

Interview by Alexandre Doskov | December 28 2014, 10:16 | Updated: December 28 2014 10:42

On December 29, 2013, the seven-time world Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher was in a coma after a violent fall skiing in Meribel, Savoie.

On the same subject

Today, the news is still distilled in dribs and drabs. Former French driver Philippe Streiff, who became quadriplegic after a serious accident Formula 1 in 1989, is a relative of the Schumacher family. As such, it evokes convalescence and difficult struggle of the former German driver. It also reviews the health status of Jules Bianchi, seriously wounded in the head during the Japanese Grand Prix on October 5th.

More than six months after emerging from coma How’s Michael Schumacher?

 Philippe Streiff. – It gets better, though the effects are very heavy. He left the hospital early September to return home at his home in Gland, Switzerland and is aware. But he still has not regained the power of speech, and communicates with the eyes. It still begins to recognize his own, his wife and children, but it has big memory problems.

What conditions do you manage to get information on its health?

 P.St. – Largely thanks to Professor Saillant. He took care of me when my accident and is now my friend. Moreover, in 2010, Michael Schumacher had founded with him the brain Institute and spinal cord (ICM) , a research center on the site of the Pitié-Salpêtrière, I work with also. It was almost prescient. I am also in contact with Corinna, Michael’s wife. And I live in Grenoble, just next to the University Hospital where he was hospitalized. At the time of the accident, so I was there.

Can you imagine it covers, one day, some of his faculties?

 P.St. – For memory, perhaps. At first it is very difficult. When I woke up after a month and a half in a coma, I did remember anything and I immediately asked the nurse if I could compete in the Brazilian Grand Prix, which took place a few days after my accident. But I woke up the day of the Grand Prix of San Marino and seeing on TV my car driven by another driver I understood. In a hospital, in an informal room with nurses that we do not know, it’s very difficult to find the markers. That’s partly why he was taken home to be in a familiar environment and try to recover her memory much faster.

And for the motor?

 P.St. – For now, it is very limited. The move from bed to wheelchair is already very difficult, it is necessary that the body’s getting back to the sitting position, it took me over a year. Michael started working on it. In the long term, and ideally, it may be able to hope to one day walk on crutches because his spinal cord was not damaged. But we can not say anything, plan anything. For the use of members such as voice, much will depend rehabilitation. Each case is so individual.

Do you have news of Jules Bianchi?

 P.St. – I have a little through Gérard Saillant, but they are much more worrying. The shock was much more violent than Michael Schumacher, and it was found diffuse axonal injury in his brain. This is an extremely serious head injury. The hope of recovery is much less important than Schumacher

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