Sunday, December 28, 2014

Mignoni “Not up” – BBC Sport

28/12 11:30 p.m. – Rugby, Top 14

The coach of the back of Toulon Pierre Mignoni has not digested the delivery of RCT outclassed by the French stage (30 -6): “ It was a complicated event, yes, but we can not accept. I will keep the words that we had for the players. It is not acceptable to make the copy, play that level. I am angry but I hope it’s the players that are first angry. There is no excuse, nor parties, nor cold, nor training. The French stage had the same preparation as us. When one does not mind, you become an average team. To tell you that it is mental, is that we have been better at 13 than 15. It has tightened when we were shorthanded (end of first period, note ) . For the rest, it is a mediocre game. There is a time when we can believe in the game but is it that would have been earned, no. We have not been up

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