Sunday, December 28, 2014

Schumacher “getting better” –

On the eve of the first anniversary of the skiing accident Michael Schumacher, Philippe Streiff, a close clan Schumi gave news of the former German driver.

These are first-hand information. For Philippe Streiff is not only a longtime friend of Michael Schumacher, but also very close to the Professor Saillant. Blame this terrible accident in March 1989 in Brazil and that earned him becoming a quadriplegic. The Grenoble thus speaks knowingly when speaking about the recovery of the seven-time world champion.

And questioned in the columns of Paris on the occasion Monday, the first anniversary of Michael Schumacher ski accident at Megève December 29, 2013, Philippe Streiff does not fail to remember how the fight of the old Ferrarri icon is difficult. Although progress in his appointment.

It communicates with eyes . “

Philippe Streiff

It gets better, though the effects are very heavy, has indeed told the old driver Tyrrell He left the hospital early September to return home to his home Gland, Switzerland and is aware. But he still has not regained the power of speech, and communicates with the eyes. It still starts to recognize his own, his wife and his children, but he large memory problems. “

And if Michael Shcumacher ” may find memory “, nothing is less sure about the motor. “For now, it is very limited, has explained Streiff, the transition from bed to wheelchair is already very difficult, it is necessary that the body’s getting back to the sitting position , it took me over a year. Michael started working on it. In the long term, and ideally, it may be able to hope to one day walk on crutches because his spinal cord was not damaged. But we can not say anything, nothing expected. For the use of members such as voice, much will depend rehabilitation. Each case is so special. “


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