Friday, December 12, 2014

An anti-corruption law in Switzerland is Fifa –

The Swiss Parliament voted on Friday an anti-corruption law that specifically targets Fifa and its president Sepp Blatter.

The recent corruption cases in which bogs down Fifa last few weeks have reacted in Switzerland, where the international body has its headquarters in 1915. Driven by Roland Büchel MP, a law adopted Friday by the Swiss Parliament to fight against money laundering. This text is saddled with the nickname “Lex Fifa,” which speaks volumes about the intentions of Swiss legislators.

Switzerland is one of the countries where there is the least corruption in the world but with the stories of Fifa was like being in a corrupt country that Burkina Faso , launched Büchel on . Parliament and people in Switzerland are tired of corruption. And that they did not understand to FIFA.

After all their bullshit, it’s normal that the legislature exaggerating. These people can say thank you to Mr Blatter

Roland Büchel, MP Swiss

The adoption of this law places including Sepp Blatter, President of FIFA, under close supervision. The text provides for the granting of a status of “politically exposed person” (PEP), which allows the court to monitor their finances. “ If the bank finds something odd on behalf of Mr. Blatter, it can block immediately and must notify the federal authorities ,” said Büchel. The members of the EPP family also have this status. “ But after all their bullshit, it’s normal that the legislature exaggerating. These people can say thank you to Mr Blatter ,” joked the MP.

In next two years, another aspect of the law will be passed and he plans to put FIFA and other international sports organizations such as the IOC, under the anti-corruption legislation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which could hitherto not pay attention to non-profit organizations, the legal status of Fifa, despite reserves estimated at over one billion euros, as recalled by .

In response to this outcry, FIFA responded by saying to the disposal of justice: “ As an international sports organization based in Switzerland, FIFA following with interest the political discussions in progress and is ready to answer any questions of the legislators. “The allocation of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, where suspicions of corruption surfaced, could be costly to FIFA.


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