Wednesday, March 16, 2016

FIFA acknowledges for the first time a country to have bought his World Cup – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Sepp Blatter, at the announcement of the selection of the host country of the World Cup 2010.

This is a first in the history of the international Football Federation (FIFA). Wednesday, March 16, the global organization has clearly accused South Africa of having bought his World Cup in 2010. In a letter from his lawyers of the firm Quinn Emanuel and sent to the US justice system, including The world has read, the instance claiming $ 38 million, poses as victim and list in detail all the misdeeds of his twenty-seven hierarchs or former officials indicted by federal prosecutors in New York.

Soccer: FIFA poses as a “victim” of corruption and demanded $ 38 million

the body and focuses on the 10 million dollars (9.1 million euros) of bribes that enabled South Africa to buy the votes of the Trinidadian Jack Warner, former head of the North American Confederation of Central America and Caribbean (CONCACAF), struck off for life in 2011, and the American Chuck Blazer, “FBI mole” and former general secretary of CONCACAF, and a “third member of the Executive Committee” , 15 May 2004, in awarding the 2010 World Cup in the land of Nelson Mandela, victorious at the polls against Morocco (fourteen votes to ten). According to the indictment of American justice, the third voting unidentified is the “co-conspirator n o 16″ and executive officer of the South American Confederation (Conmebol). “It is now apparent that many members of the executive committee of FIFA have abused their position and have sold their vote on many occasions” , it said in the letter to FIFA.

10,000 dollars in cash in a suitcase

the organization recalls the role of Daryan, a son of Jack Warner, who has ” established close ties with South Africa “ after the failure of the country during the vote awarding the 2006 World Cup and his narrow defeat (twelve votes to eleven) against Germany. “Daryan Warner organized a series of friendlies for teams from the Concacaf play South Africa” ​​ says Quinn Emanuel firm. He also played the suitcase carriers for his father, receiving 10 thousand dollars in cash in a suitcase in a hotel in Paris, before delivery to Jack Warner in Trinidad and Tobago.

Supposed be a donation to support the African diaspora in the Caribbean Union of federations (CFU), the famous payment of $ 10 million was made in 2008 – with the backing of the international Federation – and has been diverted to an account Jack Warner. Calling the transaction “Flight ” Quinn Emanuel claims to justice restitution of that amount

Read also:. South Africa 2010: A Cup not so perfect world …

1 st June 2015, this is Jerome Valcke, the french Secretary General of FIFA, which is designated by the New York Times as “the senior” of the organization that oversaw the transaction, initiated by the south African organizing committee of the 2010 World number two organization name , written off for twelve years in February, did not appear in the indictment filed with the federal court in Brooklyn. “The money was not a bribe but a legitimate payment for Caribbean development” had then defended Danny Jordaan, CEO of the South African Federation patron of the Global Organising Committee in 2008. from 2007 to 2010, FIFA has made nearly 600 million euros in profits, mainly due to the first World Cup held in Africa.

Blatter denies involvement

According to FIFA, who had agreed to the payment was the chairman of its finance committee, Argentine Julio Grondona … died in July 2014. Re-elected May 29, 2015 for a fifth term despite the crackdown conducted two days before the FIFA Congress, the President of the proceeding Joseph Blatter had curtly replied to media that accused him of being aware of this transaction: “I do not have $ 10 million. This is definitely not me. “ June 2, he had tendered his resignation available before being suspended six years by its ethics committee, like his former friend and successor announced Michel Platini.

in his indictment, the US court had accused two “co-conspirators” – with name remain unknown – FIFA under the famous payment. “ The co-conspirator n o 14 was among those who made sure that the South African government is providing $ 10 million” to an account controlled by Warner. Moreover “the co-conspirator n o 17″ “caused this payment” .

In their statement, the lawyers FIFA also recall that Jack Warner and Chuck Blazer had been corrupted in 1992 to support the candidacy of Morocco, largely defeated by France (twelve votes to seven) for award of the Global 1998. They thus recurred, “twelve years later” , agreeing this time from Morocco a bribe “1 million” .

others referred Worldwide

the accusations FIFA highlight malfunctions and other abuses linked to the vote allocation Worldwide, which since 2013, is no longer the prerogative of Member the Executive Committee, but the 209 members of Congress. This new procedure, which therefore relates to the edition 2026, makes sense when the award of the 2006 World Cup in Germany is the subject of several investigations. Following a complaint by FIFA filed in March 2015, the Swiss justice further investigation on the conditions of allocation of the 2018 World Championships and 2022 respectively in Russia and Qatar. To date, it has raised 152 “suspicious financial movements” .

Of the twenty-four voting who participated (or were supposed to), December 2, 2010 ballot awarding the next two World Championships, three were written off for life (Qatari Mohamed bin Hammam, Chuck Blazer and Jack Warner), a banned eight years (the Tahitian Reynald Temarii), three suspended six years (Sepp Blatter, Michel Platini and South Korea’s Chung Mong-joon), four are currently being investigated by the ethics Committee (the Nigerian Amos Adamu, Brazilian Ricardo Teixeira, Thai Worawi Makudi Paraguayan Nicolas Leoz and) and two received a warning (the Spaniard Ángel María Villar and German legend Franz Beckenbauer) and fined

Football. a former top executive of FIFA admits receiving bribes from -vin for the World 1998 and 2010


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