Friday, March 25, 2016

In 1971, Johann Cruyff discovered Marseille, the French public will never forget – Eurosport

         Flashback. 3 November 1971. Marseille wakes up and calls – finally? – Among the elite of continental football. Gone Cup Cities Fairs a bit naff, it is in the prestigious Champions Cup Clubs that OM is a place, for the first time in its history.

         A first hexagonal which also applies to a young midfielder named Johan Cruyff. 24 years old, the elegant Dutch discovers France during his arrival in Provence land for the first round of C1.

         In downtown, the noise Batavian has already spread over several days or several weeks. Because tonight in November, where the temperature is a little cool, everyone hurries to the ‘Vel’ to discover the great Ajax … Especially that of Cruyff discourse phenomenon is then initiated between football ” to understand and to situate the event, Ajax Amsterdam in the 1970s, it is the equivalent today of FC Barcelona , breath Yves Merens, old pen specializing in the treatment of OM for Var Matin . at this time, take inspiration from the Dutch football was very fashionable. Cruyff? Some had heard vaguely about it, but very little. After this match in Marseille, everything changed. “

Johan Cruyff at Ajax Amsterdam – Imago

“the forum will fall, the platform will fall …”

         Turning a football that was witnessed Francis, 62. Present that night at the Velodrome, ‘Tchoix’ also remember the context of this meeting: “ There was no security , rill this inveterate supporter of OM C. ‘was impressive. I remember an incredible stampede at the entrance. It was just the crowd. “

         So much so that when fans stamping their feet on parts of their platform, it caused a disturbing dust clouds above the dilapidated Velodrome. “ The forum will fall, the platform will fall … “, then cried my wife, this, too, for this legendary game.

         “ Yes, it was folk, confirms Merens, which now officiates as a consultant for OMTV. But at some point he was going so much in this place. The safety? It n ‘there was not much, it’s true … But what I remember is that everyone was overwhelmed, as taken aback. grids were depressed, and above half the audience entered without pay. But there was such an expectation. “

         That night, there were – officially – 48,039 spectators exactly. But in Marseille, if we listen to those who claim to have seen Cruyff in 1971, it should be pretty close to a million people. New evidence if it is that this shock OM – Ajax marked the city in depth … Moreover, these figures are nothing compared to the media phenomenon caused by this televised meeting. Indeed, beyond the Olympian audience, then it is a whole country who discovers the sleek style of this young player at the stately pace.

Josip Skoblar (OM) – Imago

” it was a player who mastered everything … space, time, the ball. “

         An impression confirmed by Georges Carnus, OM keeper having faced one that will be dubbed later the “Flying Dutchman”: “ Against us, he was exceptional, even breathtaking , says the former doorman of the Blues, now scout for AS Monaco. what he realized it was just phenomenal. Besides, I had the chance to play against Pele, Eusebio of to sacred phenomena anyway, but it was something else. It was special . ”

         For what reasons ? “ Because it was a player who mastered everything … Space, time, the ball. With him was a check, a pass in the movement. Tic, tac, tic, tac (he imitates the sound of the ball). from my goal, I saw him do it, and it looked so easy! in fact, if we had to store one-touch, attention, he did not deprive (smiles). What further strengthened its ease of printing. “

         But if Carmus good memories of this OM – Ajax, this is not necessarily the case of some of his former teammates. The stopper Jules Zvunka in this case … Yves Merens explains: “Every time I meet him somewhere, I ask him the same question ‘Hey Jules, Cruyff how it was seen from below? ‘. (see photo cons) in is funny, he replied tit for tat :’ ‘You know, Yves, that night, I could do anything, never, I would have caught the. He was elusive “.

         To the point of arrogance tu? “ On the field, I remember a very decent player, classy, ​​ corrects Georges Carnus. But that’s okay, he was so above. Besides the goal I cash in the first leg, the ease of printing is evident when after a run of 50 meters, it happens to me and calm me he slips the ball where it is necessary. Gently …. Still. it was his genius . one of Cruyff “.

“At the end of the match, the audience applauded as if it were a player of OM.”

         A talent that does not pass unnoticed in the eyes of the public warned of Marseille. “ At the end of the match, the audience applauded as if it were an OM player shows Carnus. They came to see Om or Ajax but they rose to Cruyff. it was beautiful to see because so rare. at that moment, I felt as a preferred sport. Besides, in my time, the matches were low-profile, so it changing perspective, but after this OM – Ajax, everyone had good recall his number 14 in France “.

         In return, Carnus will collect two more goals from the Dutch international. Yves performance Merens, fascinated by the phenomenon Cruyff, decrypts with emotion in his voice: “ At the Velodrome, I could see playing a wonder says the former Var Matin . he exuded so much through his game. in fact, he imposed a way of being. it was a staggering beauty. with a little more perspective, I realize that ultimately it was in Meanwhile, a soloist and a conductor. and for the public Velodrome, it was also a founding moment. for Skoblar and see Cruyff in their stadium, that was something great for the entire city of Marseille. Although that night, there was no picture. “

         That is to say ? “ The Ajax was over. Widely … Between us, we thought that with ingredients based on aggressiveness, combativeness, we could expect something, but no, impossible … They were too strong. with their total football, that was obvious. that night, it blew our faces, and we all understood what becoming Ajax to a Mr. Cruyff “. “It was very , says Francis. In Marseille, we will never forget this match .” The France Football too.


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