Wednesday, March 23, 2016

French Cup. Gravelines – Le Mans (60-74): reactions – Ouest-France

Erman Kunter (Le Mans)

“The defense in the second half, that’s the key. We cash 26 points in the first quarter-time and only 16 in the second period. Our address (45%) is not exceptional. The defense made us win the game. It has managed important situations. It was a long close game. The duel lasted 34-35 minutes. We continued to resist and started to make the difference. Gravelines had to take risks and sanctioned their mistakes. We found some good open shots and we put them. our good defense was validated by controlling the defensive rebounds. If we had played such a game to Antares, it would have been different and probably more complicated. Against Chalons, we had a disastrous game defensively. This shift allowed players to meet. It’s human. They are welded on the outside because it’s not easy to win in Gravelines, twice in less than a month. This kind of game can help us play like that at home. The final ? I experienced weird things in basketball. The day before the final, one of your best players can be sick, really sick. Everything can happen. It est.On has a chance to win a trophy. Our journey is not too bad (Bordeaux, Paris, Monaco, Gravelines). The key is to be as high as possible at the right time. This is the 1st of May. We still have a lot of time. The final, I put it in the fridge for now. I shop at Picard. It is frozen because the championship resumes Saturday. At Bercy, I won the title with Cholet but I also lost against Nancy and Asvel once. But I won twice AllStar Game, it’s not bad. “

Christian Monschau (Gravelines)

” In the 3rd quarter, you can not have more open shots. Alas was a blunder almost unreal. inside and 3 points. you do not lose the ball, it obtains the same shots in the first half. we remain in contact regardless. This quarter time should have allowed us to make a difference . We defended well. gunfire late adverse possessions, hyper contested, come in. We, the magnifying glass is “lay-up” of 3 pts open. They are staggered. The implementation of the systems was good. The rest, this is irrational. it is domineering interceptions, best to stray bullets. it limits the opponent’s offensive rebound, much more we will in the paint, there is no cash in the paint. Le Mans is his salvation to our clumsiness and Retracting shots at key moments. Congratulations to Le Mans. the basketball is still a game of skill. We wish them the best for the final. “

Petr Cornelia (Le Mans)

“Since Saturday, we had a better second half. I think it was very clever at first, too. Defensively, we raised the tone in the second. Gravelines has scored just 16 points. It’s very positive. They also missed a lot, not very well played by losing important balls. I think we did not play well either but we take because we had to win, that’s all. In the end, we put some “three points” that allow us to make a small difference. We finally escaped. When I see 10 in a minute, I tell myself it’s pretty good. This will be my first time at Bercy. I expected it for a long time. It’s cool. I missed cadets but now I will for the first time in my life the feet in Paris-Bercy. We can save our season with the Coupe de France. Our season is not so bad even if everyone hit us after our defeat at Chalons. With this final against Asvel, people say, Le Mans and is on course for a new trophy. The Asvel? This will not be easy. It will fall on Charles (Kahudi) who was with us last year. It is in a month. We have time. “

Mike Gelabale (Le Mans)

” Our defense in the second half was the key. We could stop it and everyone has really done its part of the job. They missed two to three open shots and other one has disputed. Behind it ensures the rebound. Since August, we train to play finals. A final, it is not played, it is earned as is often said. This will be my first final of the Coupe de France. On May 1, I will be a Rookie, a novice. A title that I have not and I’d like to add to my record. This will Asvel opposite. We played them once for now. A team that started very well the championship, that plays very well together. You must be careful. Charles, it’s Charles. Always a leader, always positive. He gives 100%. This will be a great challenge. “

mouphtaou yarou (Le Mans)

” This is a great opportunity and a blessing to go play at Bercy. The president spoke in . It seems that it is a room of 20 000 people. we are happy to go the expense of Gravelines, a very good team. Our game beginning has been difficult. Defensively, we know that few teams do can withstand the 3rd and 4th quarter when we defend like that .. the mindset of the coach, is the aggressiveness and defense. in the first half, Gravelines was more aggressive than us with many ‘layup . “Everything was” easy “for them. the coach made the necessary adjustments at half-time. in addition, they missed a lot of open shots, including Steven Gray. It is a bit lucky but very happy.”

Andrew Albicy (Gravelines)

“This defeat is very frustrating because, for me, we had the game in hand. I found the team . we defended well but we did not care less in a second half. Some point, they will put in. Behind, I mismanaging for possessions. They put only 16 points but it was how many open shots? We can not say we did not play well in attack. In the 3rd quarter, we could have made the difference and we do not. This is the turning point. We do find Steven to restore the confidence because he has not played much at first. Alas, it returns fire passes as he puts every day in training. Le Mans has managed better late returning his open shots. The rocker is there. We miss the “lay-up” against attacks. It was probably tense. It sucks because you loose too many home games. The Sportica is not the fortress it was. It has to once again become the. One has the impression that one is more comfortable outside than at home. I do not understand that part of the public whistles us. It was given to background. No one cheated. “


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