Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Nancy has its supporters in the skin – The Équipe.fr

Go and pay your drinks at the stadium without a ticket? It will be possible next season at Stade Marcel-Picot. “We will propose next season subscribers interested to dematerialize their 100% PASS ASNL [subscription club] by implanting under the skin an RFID chip no larger than the size of a grain of rice , “is it shown on the official website of the ASNL.

To reassure his supporters, the club said that the operation is not mandatory, safe, and will receive discounts. “Our tellers will be trained and will administer themselves the chip via an injector in the form of a pen, directly in the hand or forearm according to the preference of the subscriber” concludes the ticketing manager of the club.

If it looks like an April Fool ahead, ASNL ensures that this is not a programming error.


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