Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Debate: Benzema is it essential to the France team? –

Yes, without it, it would be shooting itself in the foot

            By Martin Mosnier

         I have not always been kind to Karim Benzema for France in particular during the last World Cup where his mania rezone and nonchalance on the ground against Nigeria had deeply annoyed me. His career with the Blues is far from flamboyant (27 goals in 81 caps). But hard not to admit that the tricolor selection will not be better without him. She has done very well this week? Yes, it’s true. Facing the Netherlands we have not recognized and a Russia that is not even part of the outsiders for the next Euro.

         This will not be the same song in June and, as knows Didier Deschamps, France can not do without center-forward of Real Madrid who, by the way, makes the best season of his Madrid career. I’ll clear up a misunderstanding very tempting for anti-Benzema: if he comes back to Clairefontaine, Benzema will not suddenly cause trouble in a group that lives perfectly. Make no mistake, the Blues will welcome with open arms. Benzema is understood as a thief in the fair with Griezmann, Evra, Sakho … It is a leader in a group lacking.

Karim Benzema and Antoine Griezmann (France) against Armenia – AFP

         Of course, the impression of the moment tends to take everything. Seven goals in two games, a flamboyant offensive animation without Benzema: all is for the best in the best of worlds. Remember that the combination Benzema Griezmann-made team ravages of France in particular during the last appearance of the Spaniard against Armenia (4-0). Technical complementarity had jumped the eyes. The game back to goal, the art movement: Benzema knows how to do everything and Giroud are Gignac. But better. Without it, it would be shooting itself in the foot.

No, alchemy has its reasons which reason knows nothing

            For Maxime Dupuis

         “The best is sometimes the enemy of good”: The adage is known and will certainly trot in the head of Didier Deschamps in the coming weeks. DD pragmatic he takes Karim Benzema to the Euro? It will most likely be fixed around April 15 when the FFF rise or not the prohibition of selection of the Madrid striker. In recent weeks, the Blues boss seemed to lean towards yes, quite clearly. But meanwhile, there was the rally of March. Both offensive régalades the Blues, made after a meeting equally accomplished against Germany a gloomy November evening (2-0). What instill an element of doubt in his enlightened mind.

Didier Deschamps during the match between France and Russia – Panoramic

         Today, if one puts aside the ethical question, which is not so simple as that, one question prevails. It’s not whether Karim Benzema is the best French striker. But to be certain that the France team is better with him at the forefront of the attack. The Euro 2012 matches that counted at the last World Cup does not necessarily draw a positive trend. Add to that that football is a team sport where eleven individuals, as unique as they are, does not necessarily make a great team. Alchemy has its reasons which reason knows nothing. Raul, Madrid’s famous striker forgotten by his selection, could testify today.

         In veteran and principal actor in the greatest adventure in the history of French football, Didier Deschamps has to remember that his coach at the time, Aimé Jacquet, had left on the side of the road the then captain and its best striker, a certain Eric Cantona. When? After wrongdoing and high kick most famous in the history of the modern Premier League. The number 7 Manchester had not seen the selection. For Jacquet had a choice between Zidane – Djorkaeff and the pervasive shadow of Canto which wiped seedlings whose golden fate was all but written. Benzema has no will or authority to Cantona. But without him, it’s not the same on the ground. The question is whether it is better. This is anything but obvious at this time.

do you think Karim Benzema is it essential to the France team?


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