Sunday, March 27, 2016

Accident on Gent-Wevelgem, the Belgian Antoine Demoitié died – The É

The new dreaded fell shortly after midnight Sunday: Antoine Demoitié “died and an investigation is underway to determine the circumstances” is AFP Frederic Evrard, communication officer of the gendarmerie of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais. The Belgian rider, who was aged 25, was in a coma in an intensive care unit of the University Hospital of Lille, where he joined his family in the late afternoon from Liege after his transfer to the hospital Ypres.

the accident occurred at Gent-Wevelgem, one of the renowned classic of the international calendar. While the runners had traveled about 150 kilometers of racing, the Belgian Group of Wanty Gobert team (Continental Pro) fell with four other riders just before the line of cars. They are suddenly discarded and is accredited by the Belgian Federation motorcycle, according to our conduct by an experienced biker and carrying a national commissioner, was then left face to face with the riders to the ground and could not avoid Antoine Demoitié.

the Belgian won puncher including Tour du Finistère in 2014. for its first participation in a World Tour event the E3 GP Friday he had been to his advantage by participating in the early break.

the weekend is extremely painful for the professional peloton. Another young Belgian rider, Daan Myngheer (soon 23), was indeed Saturday suffered a heart attack while he was playing the Criterium International in Corsica. Sunday, he was placed in intensive care on a respirator to Ajaccio hospital. His manager, Daniel Verbrackel indicated his “ trepidation .”


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