Tuesday, March 29, 2016

France-Russia: Hollande will finally tonight at the Stade de France – Le Parisien

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ERIC Hacquemand | | Update:



Francois Hollande. While he had originally planned to dine, as every Tuesday, with tenors of his majority at the Elysee, the president changed his mind.
Francois Hollande. While he originally planned to dine, as every Tuesday, with tenors of his majority at the Elysee, the president changed his mind. (AFP / YOAN VALAT)

the movement was not originally planned. But finally, Francois Hollande has indeed decided to go Tuesday night at the Stade de France to watch the team warm-up match for France Football and against Russia.

While it had originally planned to dine, as every Tuesday, with tenors of his majority at the Elysee, the president changed his mind and advanced meeting to go to Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis). It must be said that the absence of the head of state would not have failed to mention the day the team of France regains its stadium after the attacks of 13 November.

All on substantive preparations for Euro 2016 as the head of state not especially want to cancel the pretext that the plane terrorist threat. François Hollande will therefore be present in the stands in Campania his advisor Nathalie Ianetta sports. Exceptional device security is also in place. Bernard Cazeneuve is also expected on site but the interior minister should not attend the game. Accompanied by the prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis, it will only control the stage safety device.

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Russia-France: Hollande will finally tonight at the Stade de France

the move was not originally planned. But finally, Francois Hollande has indeed decided to go Tuesday night at the Stade de France to watch the team warm-up match for France Football and facing the …


2016-03-29 6:03:00 p.m.


Political News , Politics, Election, 2016, France, Russia, Holland, will ultimately evening stage


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