Tuesday, March 22, 2016

There is no question of canceling Euro 2016 but will be under high surveillance – Eurosport

         Tuesday morning, place Beauvau, held the steering committee on the security of the Euro 2016. It was long planned. By a tragic coincidence, at the same time, Brussels, the Belgian capital, was plagued by a double murderer terrorist attack. In this context, the meeting at the Interior Ministry has taken special meaning.

         “ These attacks remind us tragically high level of threat we face ,” said in the preamble Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of the Interior. However, these events will not affect the security system provided by the state and the organizer, namely UEFA around stadiums and fan zones for Euro 2016. “ One can not permanently raise what is already a very high level since January 2015 , “said M.Cazeneuve,” but we can consolidate the device . ”

         Tuesday, the Minister, the club president of the host cities Alain Juppé, Minister Patrick Kanner sports and the president of the Euro Jacques Lambert organizing committee have thus validated the proposals made at the last steering committee held after the attacks on 13 November. Of these, systematic pat-downs at the entrance fan-zones, the possible detection of metal objects, the use of demining services and installation of video surveillance in these areas that will host fans from 10,000 to 100,000 fans in the host cities.

Alain Juppe and Bernard Cazeneuve on the steering committee of the Security Euro 2016 – Eurosport

         At no time Tuesday, as was the case after the attacks in November in Paris, stakeholders have thought to question the organization of the Euro. “ The position of ours is not to give in to terrorism, recalled Bernard Cazeneuve , and that this event can take place as the COP 21 could take place (a few days after the November attacks). however, we must have the flexibility to allow, if necessary, to reconsider our positions on a particular fan zone . ” “ The Euro 2016 is maintained “, also said the Christmas Graet, president of the FFF, the RMC antenna.

         Under the responsibility of the host cities that will appeal to private companies, and established with the prefect, securing the fan-zones will cost 17 million euros in total, according to Alain Juppé. Club president of the host cities, in which UEFA had promised 3 million before the events of November, asked the European body an extension of a million request to be considered at the next steering committee in late April . The state will finance 80% of his video-surveillance systems, 2 million euros.

         Finally, UEFA security official stadiums, base camps teams, official hotels and the media center, prepares to recruit 10,000 private agents, or 7% more than the planned figure by 13 November. Throughout the territory, the state “ will take all responsibilities ,” promised the Minister of Interior, and mobilize “ policemen, gendarmes, firefighters, rescue workers, emergency physicians, the number will be given a few weeks before the event . ”

         Nearly 2.5 million spectators are expected in the stadiums, and 7 million in fan zones during the month of competition. “ This is an extraordinary exercise ” ruled Patrick Kanner: “ never an event of this magnitude will have been monitored and secure at this level it is the image. of France is at stake, our ability to organize events of such magnitude with seriousness, determination and composure . ”

A fan zone for Euro 2012 – AFP


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