Thursday, March 24, 2016

Cruyff: “I had the elegance of the street” – The É

Fast, technical, spectacular, still tall, Johan Cruyff was the atypical heroes of total football Coach 1970s, he reinvented the style of Barca, now global reference . In 2014, he returned to L’Equipe Magazine on his years at Ajax, FC Barcelona and the Dutch national team.

[ARCHIVES MAGAZINE TEAM] That was our last conversation with Johan Cruyff for L’Equipe Magazine. Relaxed, always eloquent, he had pretended to be surprised to be chosen to speak of elegance. According to him, Roger Federer would have been more appropriate. So, since Switzerland had also agreed to address this topic, Johan Cruyff had trusted for a good hour to deliver, in small steps, its definition of elegance. Which looks just like a lifestyle. His …

What was your life like in the 1970s? Did you have groupies like rock stars?

Yes, there were similarities. I was never alone. I was traveling constantly. And I had to stay totally focused on the need to remain efficient. All activity in football, then the sponsorship, politics, as a collaborator of the Olympic Committee or with Adidas occupied me enormously. Many people, assistants and ministers, advertising and sports with me forever. This rapid ascent was taking all my time, as he took the celebrity you are referring to. And then there was a quest for emancipation, of freedom that we had shared. Born after the Second World War seems to me in this respect nothing innocuous. Changes made by the post-war generation have determined many things. The Beatles and the Rolling Stones reflected this desire for freedom and change. Maybe too …

Were you aware at the time , to be the first rock star football player?

Yes, but this time, we perceive things differently. The information was not traveling at the same speed and therefore reputation did not mean the same things today. In addition, having daily workouts and matches each week gave me a frame that had not necessarily the artists of the time. That said, I have known many. The last that I saw, this is Elton John, two years ago, Mexico. We just discussed what our lives at that time and the speed at which technology has changed life. Today, everything goes through television and communication. That did not exist at the time. When I played, and despite everything I did, three million people knew me. Now Messi is billions it has its fans. Instead of calming down, the scale of the phenomenon is intensifying absurdly. Today, with the social and other networks, the world saw an extraordinary transformation. In five years, the changes are obvious. But I still live without a mobile phone or tablet. On me, I have nothing but a wallet …

when you were a player, would you have felt very quickly that you represent something other than a lambda footballer in the eyes of the youth of those years of economic revolution, social and aesthetic?

no, when I started, I was not thinking. I realize it over the years. I started to realize that I represented to

                          You have 80% of this article to read.


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