Friday, March 25, 2016

Cruyff also dribbled the words best “punchlines” legend –

If he was a genius of football, Johan Cruyff, this “Pythagoras studs” also had the rare gift of knowing convey his vision of the game. Sometimes full of pride or brittle, but still awesome. Here are gathered some of these aphorisms which he alone had the secret.

There is this impression, eternal, left on modern football that helped revolutionize. And then there is this way to get his message … “ As the intelligentsia accepted these sentences that are actually sometimes quite stupid, we analyzed them as engineering turns. Nothing is less true , analyzed in a number of So Foot special issue, dedicated to Johan Cruyff and published last summer, Jan Pekelder, Dutch professor of synchronic linguistics at the University Paris-Sorbonne. They are often funny, sometimes absurd, but in the mouth of Cruyff, they reach the status of “magic formula”.

Cruijffiaan ” or “ cruyffismes “that is how the Dutch had come to mean the word of their triple Ballon d’or (1971, 1973, 1974). here’s a collection to enjoy without moderation …

Sa vision of the game

the quality without results is useless. the results without the quality are boring.

“Playing Football is very simple, but just play football is the hardest thing there is. “

” the hardest part of an easy game, it’s hurting play football a bad opponent. ”

“you have to look, think, move, find the space, help others. ultimately, it’s pretty simple.”

“In my teams, the guardian is the first striker and scorer, the first defender. “

” quality without results is useless. the results without quality are boring. “

” the ball is an essential element of the sport. “

” the technique, it is not knowledge jungles 1000. Everyone can do this by practicing. After that, you can play in a circus. no, the technique is passing the ball in a button at the right speed, the right foot of your teammate. “

” a bad player is not bad because it pulls into his own goal, but because when you put it under pressure, he loses the ball. We must accelerate the pace of the game and it will automatically make you the ball. “

” Football is an error sport. This is the one who commits the fewest mistakes wins. “

” When you have won something, you are not 100%, but rather 90%. It’s like an open bottle of sparkling water. After a while, there is a little less gas. “

” I’m not a believer. In Spain, 22 players are a sign of the cross before entering the field. If it worked, there would always draw. “

Why could -you not beat a richer club? I’ve never seen a cash bag score a goal

“Why could you not fight a richer club? I never saw a ticket sac score a goal. “

” If you can not win, make sure not to lose. “

” What -what speed? The sports press often confuses speed with the sense of anticipation. See, if I start running earlier than my neighbor, I will have the fastest air. “

” Italians can not beat us, but we can totally lose against them . “

” When you dispute a match, it is statistically proven that a player has the ball three minutes on average. So the most important thing is what you do the 87 minutes that you do not have the ball. This is what determines whether you are a good player or not. “

But also …

Before you make a mistake, I do not do

“Before you make a mistake, I do not do it.”

“Every disadvantage has its advantage.”

“people who are not my level can not touch me in my integrity.”

“the solution that seems the easiest is always easier.”

“If I wanted you to understand what I say, I would have explained better.”

“It is better to lose with his ideas with those of another. “

” I am a former player, former technical director, former coach, former manager, former honorary president. A nice list that shows once again that everything comes to a halt. “

” In a way, I’m probably immortal. “


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