Thursday, June 4, 2015

FIFA: Morocco, accused of trying to buy a World Cup – Obs

FBI mole, Chuck Blazer, details the under-the-table Fifa. After South Africa for the 2010 World Cup, it was the turn of Morocco to be accused of having paid bribes to try to get the organization of the 1998 World Cup, eventually attributed to France. “L’Observateur” an update on these new revelations.

# Blazer, a “ conspirator” Fifa and bribes of Morocco

According to declassified documents released Wednesday by the US court, the former strongman of football on the continent for two decades, Chuck Blazer said in 2013 to justice have witnessed an agreement between the Moroccan bid committee and a person, “No.1 accomplice”, described as holding high positions in FIFA and CONCACAF (Confederation of North America, Central America and Caribbean).

The two men were invited to Morocco ” a few months before the designation “the host of the 1998 World Cup.

Blazer was present when representative of the Moroccan bid committee offered a bribe to No.1 accomplice in exchange for his vote for Morocco in the poll for the host country of the 1998 World Cup and the No.1 conspirator accepted the Pot -of wine, “the document that indicts Blazer racketeering and corruption.

“After their trip, the No.1 accomplice asked Blazer to contact representatives of the Moroccan bid to determine when the payment would be made. Blazer spoke on the phone with them several times, including from the offices of the CONCACAF [then based, Ed ] New York, “the document.

” Although the payment was made, the executive committee of FIFA chose July 2, 1992 the candidacy of France to that of Morocco, “concludes the text. Paris had indeed won the election by twelve votes against September

The amount of the payment made is not specified.

# South Africa, kickbacks and tax evasion

The script has reproduced for the 2010 World Cup, coveted by Egypt, Morocco and South Africa, but Blazer, entered in the meantime the Executive Committee of FIFA, has this time been one of the direct beneficiaries.

Thus, between 2004 and 2011, Blazer continues, “I and others on the executive committee of FIFA, we have accepted in bribes in connection with the choice of South Africa be the host country for the 2010 World Cup. ”

Last week, the US court had indicated that it suspected the Trinidadian Jack Warner, former president of the Concacaf, of pocketing $ 10 million in exchange for three votes in favor of African country when voting for the award of the 2010 World Cup South Africa since acknowledged that $ 10 million were paid to Caribbean football, for Pan African brotherhood, but swept all ideas of corruption.

His hearing also evokes kickbacks related to five editions of the Gold Cup, the main event organized by CONCACAF, spread between 1996 and 2003.

also acknowledges having practiced tax evasion and worked with others to transfer bank accounts of funds in bank accounts to hide corrupt practices.

I knew then that my actions were harmful, “he said Dearie still in court.

Who is # Chuck Blazer, the mole FBI

The bearded millionaire and whimsical, inescapable for two decades in football in the Americas, is a ld executive committee member of FIFA from 1996 to 2013, long time secretary general of the Concacaf (Confederation of North America, Central America and the Caribbean), from 1990 to 2011.

Chuck Blazer, who secretly pleaded guilty to ten counts of criminal charges in New York Under an agreement with US prosecutors, is one of the key informants American investigators working on the actions of officials of FIFA.


Chuck Blazer, the FBI informant

GS with agencies


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