Saturday, October 3, 2015

Sepp Blatter even one – The Obs

After months of silence, at least in public, of American historical sponsors of FIFA, immersed in a vast corruption scandal, asked Friday, October 2 head of its president Sepp Blatter who immediately announced he would not resign

Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Budweiser and Visa. Four of the biggest partners of the International Football Federation launched an unprecedented offensive


It comes a week to the day after the opening of criminal proceedings in Switzerland against Blatter which should normally leave his post in February.

First are the heavyweights of the US economy and global Coca-Cola and McDonald’s have launched an offensive, which seems concerted, in the form of unequivocal statements issued simultaneously.

“For the Good of the Game “

” For the good of football, the Coca-Cola asked the FIFA president, Joseph Blatter , to step down immediately so that a procedural credible and sustainable reform can begin in earnest, “said the giant non-alcoholic beverages.

” The Fifa needs a comprehensive and urgent reform and this can be accomplished only through a genuine independent approach, “says Coca-Cola.

” The events of recent weeks have continued to tarnish the reputation and diminished public confidence in his leadership, “lamented his McDonald’s side.

$ 30 million investment for Visa and Coca-Cola

Visa and Budweiser, joined by AFP, then drove home the point.

“We believe not a deep reform of FIFA to take place with the current direction, and after the events of last week, it is clear that it is in the best interests of FIFA and football Sepp Blatter immediately resign “

Visa and Coca-Cola are among global partners said Fifa. between 2010 and 2014, they each paid each year 30 million dollars (26.8 million of euros) to benefit from this status and to use it in their marketing and advertising strategies.

The Anheuser Busch InBev Group, parent of Budweiser brewer and sponsor of FIFA since 1986, said of Meanwhile he “would welcome Mr. Blatter leaves office.” “We believe that his presence is an obstacle to the reform process,” said the world No.1 beer

response Blatter was quick.: by the voice of his American lawyer, he indicated that he would remain at his post until February.

“If Coca-Cola is a valued sponsor of FIFA, Mr. Blatter , despite his respect, disagree with his position and think leaving his post now would not be in the best interest of FIFA nor serve the reform process. That is why he will not resign ” , said his lawyer, Richard Cullen.

Scandals in cascades since May

Since 27 May and the arrest of several senior officials of world football in a hotel in Zurich (Switzerland ), under the leadership of American justice, amid widespread allegations of corruption, FIFA is in sync with revelations and scandals

M. Blatter , outgoing president, is it personally since late September by a Swiss criminal proceedings for alleged illegal payment of 2 million Swiss francs (1.8 million euros) in favor of President Michel Platini UEFA (European Football Association), and favorite, so far, to his estate.

The Swiss FIFA president since 1998, presented his mandate available until June 2 new elections on February 26.

Blatter is also accused by the court of having “signed an unfavorable contract” to FIFA with the Caribbean Football Union (Concacaf ). He would have sold well below market prices the TV broadcast rights for World-2010 and 2014.

And Adidas, Gazprom and Hyundai?

The offensive has sponsors was welcomed by the president of the Football Association (FA), Greg Dyke.

I think this is something that can change that. No matter what Mr. Blatter Now, if people who fund Fifa want a change, they will have it, “he he said.

” For those of us who want a radical change, this is good news, “he said.

The question is what the attitude of the other three non-US global partner FIFA Adidas, Gazprom and Hyundai.


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