Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Football – FIFA – Election – Election to FIFA: September formalized applications including that of Michel Platini – The É

FIFA said in a statement Wednesday that seven candidates were chosen for the presidential election to be held on 26 February. Prince Ali Bin Al-Hussein, Hassan Musa Bility, Jérôme Champagne, Gianni Infantino, Michel Platini, and Sheikh Salman Sexwale should be competing to succeed Sepp Blatter.

The candidacy of David Nakhid, the former captain Trinidad and Tobago, is not mentioned in the release.

The files of six other candidates registered by the electoral commission of FIFA have them forwarded to the chamber investigation of the ethics committee, to undergo the famous integrity tests. The results of these tests will then be returned to the electoral commission, which definitively validate or not each application.


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