Saturday, October 31, 2015

After the match, Mourinho had “nothing to say” but her distress was visible –

           It changes the monologue he had offered seven minutes after the setback against Southampton (1-3). This time, Jose Mourinho had not much to say. It’s rare. But this defeat against Liverpool (1-3) – already the sixth in the Premier League – the urge to cut Special One to lie in front of microphones. His post-match before the cameras testified to his state of mind and his art to communicate through the media. Even without much to express …

         His first outing has given the trend. “ I have nothing to say. Nothing to say “, has he dropped out when a journalist from BT Sport asked him about the game. “ I’m sorry but I have nothing to say “. Faced with this Mourinho refuses to extend and merely laconic and negative responses, the reporter then insisted on knowing if he was concerned about the situation. “ Worried about what? ,” responded the Soft. On his future course club? “ No ” concluded dryly Portuguese. An interview will be talking.


         At a press conference, Mourinho was a little more talkative. A little more. The closed face, dark eyes, he defended his players that “ have tried “. “ You could see envy “, has chained the technician. For him, there was only “ both players below their level.” I saw some players in the locker room that were really disappointed. They do not have the respect that they deserve “, added the Mou, who refused the idea that this is his last match in charge of the Blues.

         Asked what would happen now, the former Real Madrid coach typed into touch: “ I’m going home Find a sad attempt to cut family and watching rugby …” Before, however, he tried another shot. Communication. He met his deputies and all his staff in the middle of the pitch at Stamford Bridge to take stock. Before the cameras. Staged very Mourinhesque. Chelsea is in crisis. And it is also seen by the way Mourinho to manage all that.


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