Wednesday, October 21, 2015

VIDEOS. PSG – Real Madrid: you shiver already! – The Parisian

Group stage. Facing a Real declined by numerous absences, Paris hopes to make an impression and take first place in its group

Dominique Sévérac. | 21 Oct. 2015, 7:00 | Update: 21 Oct. 2015, 8:19

Barcelona had not cluttered ways. When he came to challenge PSG decreased by injuries and suspensions in April at the Parc des Princes in the quarterfinals of the Champions League, the future European champion has roughly spanked (3-1) composed of a Paris Cabaye or Rabiot.

Without Benzema, Bale, James Rodriguez nor Carvajal, Real shows up considerably lessened tonight Porte d’Auteuil, and this is the time to enjoy it.

Invert the balance of power

Because there are a first place at stake, feedback much more complicated in two weeks at the Santiago Bernabeu and game we analyze in France and maybe in Europe through the prism of PSG’s ability to defy the greatest. Laurent Blanc valid the first two options, not the last, “would mark the spirits but only instantly. We won 3-2 against Barcelona after a fantastic match. But it was after he must win (Note: knockout encounters) This is a fabulous game for the players, the club and the prestige of French football.. It is little better because we meet a European giant. But it’s not a decisive match. “

VIDEO. White: “PSG and Real Madrid, two game philosophies”

White is surely right, but the conviction is forged Paris tonight. It is repeating the victories against the European sizes that PSG will begin to really believe it. And it is by winning tonight that will give meaning to his season at a time when its results are excellent, but the questionable content.

& gt; & gt; IN RETRO in March 1993. PSG humiliates Real Madrid

Faced with one of the two fastest teams in Europe (the other is Bayern), which. on and win a championship in which too often lacks rhythm is to curl up in her clothes for big night. There is the concern? Not here. By winning a match with a mad intensity September 30, 2014 at Parc against Barcelona or earlier against Chelsea (3-1), PSG has already shown that the Ligue 1 was not a problem to quench his thirst bright fights .

Real, basically, it’s also a way to make an appointment. Unless disaster, Madrid will be in the semifinals of the Champions League, an altitude where the PSG would like to know how you breathe. To get a taste, so begin Wednesday night. It is also a club with ten Champions League titles, and PSG will perhaps not enough of a living to stack all in his window. With only one, it would already be in heaven. But money, talent, luck, the referee is not enough to lift it. We must also fight those who have won their jitters to spin and reverse the balance of power, which sees Paris still remain the underdog.

VIDEO. PSG – Real Madrid. Thiago Silva: “We are stronger”

Win a Champions League, it can not be imposed on a whim. While on a whim, it may take a lot of things against Real Madrid. Antoine Kombouare agrees.

VIDEO. PSG it is discussed: Ronaldo in Paris, dream or reality

? € 2500
This is the price of the most expensive tickets statement yesterday on the exchange stock exchange established by PSG. Several hundred tickets were still on sale, the first prizes for seating corners amounted to € 150.


 If PSG is needed tonight, it will be his 100th victory in European Cups. Of the 192 European matches played, the club has won 38 of 99 in the Champions League.


 PSG and Real Madrid are the two teams competing in the Champions League campaign that managed the most assists. With a slight advantage for the Spanish club, which counts 1382 (against 1335 to Paris).


VIDEO. Laurent Blanc: “With Ronaldo … I love everything on the ground”

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