Sunday, October 18, 2015

XV de France: The balance sheet of Philippe Saint-André in figures – É

In four years term of office of St. Andrew, the team of France has thus inclined seven times at home in 20 matches, and can not hang on his land that ‘prestige to success against Australia (33-6, 2012; 29-26; 2014), England (26-24, 2014; 25-20 this summer in preparation) and Argentina (39- 22, 2012).

Worse, it has emerged that four times out (x2 Scotland, Italy and Argentina), in 18 games. And summer tours in New Zealand (2013) and Australia (2014) have done only add to the balance sheet, combined with 6 defeats in 6 games.

The favorite victim Blues in four years is Scotland, the only one of the “major” nations that did not beat France. And troops of Philippe Saint-André against have never won New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland and Wales. Regarding the last two teams that better explains the standings of France over the last four tournaments (4th, 6th, 4th and 4th).


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