Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Real Madrid, Benitez: “Ronaldo has always hungry, he has this inner strength” –

While Cristiano Ronaldo won his fourth Golden Boot, Rafa Benitez took the opportunity to salute the determination of his star striker


yesterday Cristiano Ronaldo is a little more entered the history of modern football, winning his fourth Golden Boot, an absolute record.

If the Portuguese s is called “dissatisfied” this award, wanting “more”, her coach, Rafa Benitez, has also stressed the determination and victory thirst of his star player.

“He is a player who is still hungry ,” said Spanish coach about the one who broke all records with goals from Portuguese selection as with the Real Madrid.

“When a player wins one of those trophies, this is a great achievement, but winning four at this level, it means that behind all this there is a professional who works as hard, with a lot of perseverance, a desire to succeed and, as he himself says, people who rely on “, explained the coach, obviously admiring the will of the Ballon d ‘ Gold


“This is what distinguishes it from other”

“His statistics its performance and the trophies he won are extremely difficult to achieve and show that he is a very determined player who has this inner strength, that’s what distinguishes it from other “, Benitez insists that counting on Ronaldo to glean titles.

Cristiano continues to set new records. We’re talking about a player with much talent and quality, and nothing beyond that to Raul as top scorer in the history of the club means everything. We’re talking about a player that is not only able to break all records, but that is always hungry for more, which full of ambition and is still able to improve its statistics “a-t- he finally reached on the club’s official website, aware of the nugget that has in its workforce



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