Monday, November 16, 2015

England – France: “Go on Tuesday at Wembley is keep living” –

         England – France will take place on Tuesday at Wembley. Friday night, in the wake of the attacks that hit France in the heart, it was anything but obvious, as we confirmed the press chief of the team of France, Philippe Tournon. France – Germany had just concluded and the country was plunged into chaos. It was time to everything except think about afterwards. The night wore consulting and Saturday both federations have taken the decision to make: play the game, in the knowledge that there would be as before. But that life should continue and that there was no question of kowtow to barbarism.

            “After discussions with the Football Association which ensured that there was no special hazard preventing the holding of the match, the maintenance was decided” , had said Saturday a spokesman FFF Agence France Presse. The France team will have an appointment with his British counterpart in London on Tuesday, 20 local time. As expected. Not as if nothing had happened. Because since Saturday in the first hour, the Cross of St. George has welcomed a new color in it, the blue of France.

“My first idea was to think that it was hot to go”

         Benjamin is 35 years old. He lives in the heart of London, north of Oxford Street for eight years. A Frenchie expatriate who loves sports, as there are many in the English capital, the sixth largest city in France with its tricolor population (250 French 000). For family reasons, he was in France last week and lived the attacks on his home ground, before returning to England on Saturday. And realize that the term “solidarity” was not an empty word.

            “The people here are secured. I visited yesterday by talking into account. Just like what happened in January, and perhaps more, England began the colors of France “. This is visible in the street. This was already visible at Wembley Friday from elsewhere. But also and especially on social networks. “ On Facebook, my friends, even the English have changed a lot for their picture with the colors of France. The convergence between the two peoples is extremely strong. “

         Apart from the side of the Saint Pancras International Station, where the police building is sensitive, the “normal” life continues in the English capital, also hard hit by suicide attacks ten years ago. Benjamin recognizes, however: “It reigns a strange atmosphere anyway” . Nothing special but palpable feeling in every corner. Will he at the stage Tuesday night? He was the last visit of the Blues in November 2010. “My first idea was to think that it was hot to go. But, to be honest with you, the more it goes, the more I want to go there. We must go to the game. It is a militant act. We must continue to live. “

         A few minutes after our conversation, my phone rang Benjamin had just bought his ticket. Long side. At the edge of the field. He will sing the Marseillaise. Like the rest of the stadium. Like the rest of the world.


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