Saturday, November 28, 2015

Nasri threats and insults a journalist of the World –

recently quoted in the famous case of the sextape, turning an interview with Mathieu Valbuena in the newspaper Le Monde, Samir Nasri would have called the reporter responsible for this maintenance to settle accounts.

Do not talk about me as a middleman because I am not involved. I will do anything in a sextape matter? ” Thus reacted Samir Nasri Friday on RMC waves, having seen his name appear in the columns of the World through an interview with Mathieu Valbuena, the victim of blackmail to the intimate video of great magnitude. “ In that case, he is the victim, then recognized Nasri about Valbuena . But he did not so my name! We are not friends. We do never will. I have something else to think that its history sextape. But it’s good to know that he talks like that. I’ll have a discussion with him.

First, the Manchester City player currently on the side held to dot the i’s with investigative journalist World who conducted the interview with his Lyon counterpart. C ‘ Or so that counted Gerard Davet – the interviewer in question -. on the antenna of the Team 21 Friday night “ Nasri calls me, it is an incredible aggressiveness. Me I have nothing to do, I experienced the worst stuff but he threatened me, he talked to me like a dog. It was incredible

According to information from the World . – Telephone tapping and record in support – Samir Nasri would have sought to play a role intermediary between Mathieu Valbuena and blackmailers after becoming aware of the existence of this sextape. It formally denies that the person concerned. “ If my name was actually quoted in this folder or if I had been involved in plays, I think I would have been summoned to court. There is no pass right in this case “defends the former Marseille.


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