Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Football – FIFA – FIFA decision on the merits by December on Michel Platini? – The É

If the call Michel Platini against his provisional suspension was rejected Wednesday, prompting the French to turn to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), a decision on the merits could be made by the Ethics Commission FIFA before Christmas. The Ethics Commission “always said she wanted to make its decision on the merits before the expiration of 90 days” , the duration of the provisional suspension imposed on October 8 to Michel Platini and ends January 5, a source told AFP.

“very well known that between Christmas and January 5, the activity is very low. So in reality and in practice, a decision is expected before Christmas “, the source said. The Ethics Commission, according to this source is “confident in the fact that it can make that decision before Christmas, but this does not depend on her. It also depends on the attitude of Platini’s lawyers and the Commission may also decide to extend by 45 days the suspension. “


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