Maxime Mermoz during the match between Castres and Toulon on August 30, 2015. – Pascal RODRIGUEZ / SIPA

RB with AFP

Toulon center Maxime Mermoz was called to replace Alexandre Dumoulin injured in the XV of France in the group that prepares the Tournament six nations until Wednesday at Marcoussis (Essonne), announced Tuesday coaching the Blues.

Dumoulin (26 years, 8 sel.) suffers from a “trauma of the left knee” after the game Racing 92 Saturday in Glasgow in the European Cup (5-22). “Medical examinations this morning (Tuesday) revealed nothing serious but a rest period is required. In consultation between the two frames, the club and the team of France, Alexander joined his club to continue his care, “said coaching in a statement, without specifying whether Dumoulin will be fit for the next preparatory training from the Tournament Sunday.

Mermoz (29, 30 sel.), the last selection was in March 2015 (England-France in the tournament), had not been called by the new coach of Guy Bleus Noves in his first three lists.

It is called “to attend the last training day preparatory course at 6 Nations Tournament” on Wednesday, said the management.

At the end of this course, which began Monday Marcoussis National Centre of Rugby, coaching has revealed the list of players selected to prepare starting Sunday the first match of the Tournament, February 6 at the Stade de France against Italy
