Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Roger Federer: “I have responded quickly” – The Équipe.fr

– How do you judge the quality of your game

– Overall, it was good. I would have liked to avoid a break here and there at the same time Tomas is not anyone. It is powerful and he picked his opportunities. Fortunately, when he breake before me, the first and third sets, I reacted quickly. The first set was hard. It lasted a long time (59 minutes) and it was very important to win. I think Tomas has left no energy poorly in that first set

-. You have been very effective at the net against Tomas Berdych (24/29 points earned on the fly). Do you ride much in the semifinals against Djokovic whether or against Nishikori

– I do not know … Novak and Kei are two great raisers. Two great defenders that move particularly well. They especially have a very strong left arm that helps them find their paths crossed two-handed backhand. Andy Murray is also in this register. When you go up against those guys, you have to take that into account

-. Do you have disrespected Bernard Tomic considering that it would not be top 10 one day?

– I did not say exactly that. Finally, say that I also said other things in the press conference that day in Brisbane. Coming out of the press room, I knew I had been a bit hard. But honest at the same time. And I also said nice things about Bernard. In truth, I thought Bernard was 50th or 60th. I did not know he was in the top 20 (17th). I do not ranking checked daily. Mea culpa. That said, I maintain that it is one thing to get into the top 10 for one week and another to stay.


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