Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Nicollin tackle Courbis and insults a journalist –

Come to the press for the presentation of Frédéric Hantz, Louis Nicollin scratched his former coach Rolland Courbis, and lashed out at Midi-Libre.

Montpellier quickly decidedly a particularly eventful season. Mired in the depths of the rankings, conceded the setback last weekend against Caen (1-2) have won him dive back under the relegation line, héraultais club knows indeed his third coach in just over a month. After Rolland Courbis, party Christmas Eve, and an interlude Pascal Baills-Bruno Martini, Louis Nicollin decided to entrust the reins of the team Frédéric Hantz.

Load the former coach of Bastia successful operation and maintenance to forget Rolland Courbis. A Rolland Courbis who once again took for his rank at the presentation press conference of the new strongman of MHSC but it is nothing compared to journalists from the regional press. Blame it on a photograph published on the morning on which Hantz, then Bastia, was the kiss Courbis …

“That is unworthy of a newspaper. I tell you, me This is unworthy, has he won before the TV cameras South. You have a head of sports (the Midi Libre), which is a big dick (sic). And I don ‘ am not ashamed to say it. I can not bear such things. We were cheated, we were wrong, we were all were and continue to make pipes (sic). It is impossible, that! I not accept it. “

And Loulou chaining. “ Frankly, 40 years of football I’ve seen in recent weeks. If dragging how was dragged … So that was signed in December. It should not take us that for idiots. For it is far from being idiots. Maybe we will go to L2, maybe not. Who knows? “


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