Thursday, January 21, 2016

Stéphane Robert, “Gael (Monfils) is stronger than me” – The É

Stéphane Robert, Rajeev Ram winner in five sets “I started very well, I was returning very, very well and then I this ball two sets to love I do not materialize. And then things get complicated. It’s not that I thwarts but changes his options: he returned more aggressive and it disturbs me. After it increases its level of play. At the beginning of the third set, I have a bit of a bar, mental and physical. I realize early in the fourth I had a beautiful absence and I can put my rituals in place. Coincidentally, I find my concentration, I commend my game up and I’m doing.

“I have the impression that I was the top seed in this part of the table “

I am in the third round of the Australian Open. There are two years old, I had arrived in the fourth round by seizing opportunities ( a table that was open for lucky-loser finally beaten by Murray ). This year, same thing: I go out in qualifying, I play Fratangelo is 132nd and Ram is 93rd. Although I am beyond them (226th), I feel that I was the top seed in this part of the table ( in fact, it was Kevin Anderson but he abandoned first round ). On paper, it was playable. I benefited from a very favorable picture. I have been lucky. Against Gael ( Monfils ), it will be complicated. Gaël is stronger than me. Now if I can push him, we’ll see what happens. “


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